Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ten things...

I am so glad you all loved WILW as much as me =) As promised, I will start us off with my top ten list for the week. This week (as superficial as it is) 10 things I cannot live without.
1. You all know how OCD I am. When it comes to school, lesson plans, assessments, I am beyond OCD. Meet my lesson planning binder.
2. I forget how OOC my hair is until I have a day like today when I thought I was a freshmen in college and had a little too much to drink last night and didn't feel "up to" fixing my hair give my hair a break and let it air dry. Brent got me a new straightener for Christmas and it = love. My hair goes from this
to this

in just a matter of minutes. Oh and did I tell you all I got a new haircut. You like it?
3. My new addiction:
I mean seriously, what did people do without cell phones?
I know you are shocked. PS Brent and I just watched the Facebook movie. That creator guy is a douche.
I looove some blog stalking.
7. I think I went from things I cannot live without to my favorite things. Maybe we should do that next week...
8. 9. 10.

Did you notice I skipped 7? My creative juices dried up.

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