Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I am going to be honest. I am not really loving Wednesday. My kids who are usually soooo well behaved have been CRAZY since Friday. They. Are. Exhausting. Plus it is the end of the nine weeks so report cards are going home (I had no idea 1st grade has report cards til last nine weeks.) Plus my KTIP lady called today and she is coming to observe me in two weeks. Plus we had a staff meeting today and Ashland schools are having a budget cut (our coke plant in Ashland is closing) so they are going to have to look into where they can cut back. The principal brought up the fact it could be anyone from instructional assistants to teachers. Ugh. Major stressor. Prayers please. But for the sake of goes...


I am loving Gilmore Girls these days. I mean Luke and Lorelai totally=love. And that Dean...major Hottie!

Even thought they are giving me wrinkles and grey hair at the tender age of 23...I am still totally loving these cuties.

(Have no fear, I have signed releases from all their parents to put their pic on the internet...have you all seen my classroom website?)

I am loving my elliptical. It makes me feel like I can have McDonald's Ice Coffees everyday.

I am loving that I was apparently a dancing machine on Saturday and my sweet boyfriend humored me and danced with me. See...
Reming you of something?

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