Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm loving it.

Happy Wednesday everyone! Here are 10 things I cannot live without! :)
(not necessarily in this order)

1. My loving family! A. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them (literally) and B. I wouldn't
be where I am today if it weren't for their encouragement and support!
(I wish I could say I made this collage...but totally stolen from Erika's Blog!)
2. This not so little dog that thinks he's a real person. I seriously think I would hate living by myself if it weren't for Manny! I mean how can you resist that face anyway?!

3. YOU! Whoever you are reading this (Hopefully Jane Ann, Britney, Gina, or Amanda)! Like my girl Kelly Clarkson said, my life would suck without you! You are the best! :)
6. Food and water (duh!). No one can live without that. But I'm more talking about all my favorite foods, good and not so good. And really by water I mean Diet Mountain Dew.
5. Laughing. I honestly couldn't get through life without it...especially if it's caused by someone falling!

6. These sweet faces. I can't help but love life and feel so loved when these little girls flash their sweet smiles at me or tell me they miss me! I'm not sure what my family talked about or did before these girls, but I imagine it wasn't near as exciting! And before we know it there will be a boy thrown in the mix!!!

7. Prayer! I feel like this is really something I've been working on over the last few months. Knowing that God is just a prayer away is so comforting. And it's also something so personal that everyone can do it differently and it's not wrong! :)

8. Computer! I think it's disgusting that I actually put this, but think about it...a computer can literally replace so many things. Besides providing me with almost all things does just about everything else too!! Don't have food? Send in your pizza order online. Don't have a phone or stamp? Send an email it will get to the point and the person much faster. Need to go Christmas shopping but don't want to fight the crowds? Sign on to literally any where and order something. It's very sad that the world has come to this but with a computer and internet access we can do almost anything.

9. Chapstick. Love it, gotta have it. Don't know what I would do without it! If I had no other makeup and I had my chapstick...all would be right with the world. (even though a little mascara wouldn't be horrible either)
10. Dancing. I feel like dance is a lot like laughter for me! It can make any bad day better and any good day great! It makes me so happy. I mean check out this lady...she LOVES life...


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