Saturday, January 15, 2011

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi loves! Okay so it has clearly been way too long since all of us have written on the blog and I have been feeling a little disconnected but was SOOOOOOO happy to see this the other day and I absolutely LOVE IT! This fun little things that we can share makes me feel like we are back in Lex hanging out and telling each other about our days. So instead of picking just one day this week, I thought I would share what I loved about the whole week, because since I worked all the dang time this week there really wasn't one particular day that stood out, but here goes....

My new favorite thing ever is the new iPod nano touch. So I joined the JCC which is the Jewish Community Center (aka where Jews go to gossip and drive so freaking slow in the parking lot, that it takes me longer to find a parking spot than workout!) Anyways so I joined and got a free iPod, no really FREE, I just joined paid $60 and they said,"What color would you like?" Okay so I have this awesome new iPod, which did I mention was free?, and I was so excited to make a rocking new mix to motivate me to workout. So I go to run the other day and I was really having a great run, so good in fact that I starting grooving to my music. And by grooving to my music I mean I fully starting dancing while running, which normally probably isn't the brightest idea on a treadmill, but on that particular Tuesday it was. And to give you a visual this is what I
Also this week I reconnected with my fat kid inside. I do not know what my deal is but I have been inhaling food like nobodies business. I am constantly hungry and nothing in my apartment is satisfying enough. So the other night after my awesome workout I made a dank burger on my George Forman and just kept thinking about what else I wanted to eat. Finally a few hours later I remembered my long lost love...YOGURTLAND. This is so appropriately named because it truly is the holy land of yogurt. You walk in and there are 20 flavors of frozen yogurt (that change daily) and it is self serve. Not only that, but there are no sizes, just one big cup and you put whatever you want in it because besides the wealth of flavors there are a wealth of toppings. It is like a dream come true because naturally you put a bunch of different flavors and a bunch of different toppings and create a masterpiece. This was one tasty treat that really made my week! Here is a visual...
The other thing that I was really excited about this week is the fact that I leave for Israel in a week! I think that I have told all of you that I am going to Israel on a free trip for 10 days. I fly out of New York so I thought while I'm on the east coast why not go and see Matt. So I am going to stay in Rhode Island for a few nights then it's off to New York (well just the airport) and then Israel. I actually really wish I had no life obligations because I was daydreaming yesterday about backpacking around Israel, and then Greece, and then wherever else my travels might take me. But school and work of course are getting in the way of that dream so maybe in another life. Well that is my week in a nutshell...awkward dancing on the treadmill and pigging out a Yogurtland. I'm telling you I lead quite the exciting life! Love you all and I can't wait to share my travels with you when I get back from Israel!

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