Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I, Jane Ann Norris, have an addiction. I am addicted to reading blogs. OK sorry, that was kinda gay. But seriously, there are tooooonnns of good teacher blogs out there which are perfect for new teachers like me to get ideas to do in the classroom. Anyways, these teachers blogs, sometimes every night, lead me to people I don't even know (but now feel like we are the best of friends) personal blogs. My favorite blogger wrote about how she and her friends from college don't talk as much as she would like but they email a lot. Each week they would have a list they would all write 10 things to go along with the theme that week (10 favorite things, 10 things I am looking forward to, 10 things I dred, etc. etc,) I was thinking how fun that would be for us to post on the blog each week! Insert "what a good idea, Jane Ann" here. Anyway... another fun thing I have seen is...

I'm loving that my front yard/ road looks like this...

So that means... snow day for me. Do not get me wrong, I love my job and my kiddos but I was supposed to have a meeting at central office today alllllll dddaaaayyyy so I am very grateful for the snow day, even if that just means the dumb meeting would be rescheduled.

I'm loving that I am no longer scared to drive in the snow. Gina, Britney, meet LL Cool Car (named by my mother). This of course is not my car because she is all dirty and sitting in the garage but the resemblance is uncanny.

I'm loving that tonight is my favorite night of TV. (Thursday, you are a close second these days, but I love my laugh on Wednesdays.)

I'm loving this video of my brother doing the "expert level" Thriller dance on the Michael Jackson game for wii. Seriously, I die laughing every time I watch it.

(Please do not tell him I showed you this video or the fact that it is on the world wide web.)

Happy Wednesday lovies!

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