Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello my far apart friends! It's hump day and this is my new favorite thing. Sooo looks it's time for...
I'm loving that this week is almost over! Woohooo. Between the snow and school work I am in need of a weekend. I don't know about you all but the thought of sleeping in Saturday is already making me excited!!!

I'm loving that Ryan, Brooke, and Landri came to visit last weekend. We had SO much fun. They are always good for a laugh. So blessed to have them. Andddd we got to go to Wild Eggs for breakfast which is another thing I was loving!

I'm loving running in the cold which is good considering it seems it will be that way forever! I never thought I would do this but now I can't get enough of it. Luckily, I don't love it as much as this guy....

I'm loving that I have a certain visitor coming this weekend! I'm also nervous as all get out. I feel like I really need this weekend to see what things are like away from everyone back home and just us.

I'm loving all these things from the JCrew website. Now, who wants to buy them for me? Not that I have a place to wear some of them, but they are cute!

I'm loving this video. First, it's amazing the things that happen when you are bored waiting for someone in the car. Second, notice the benefit of getting that toy mic from a happy meal. Third, Whitney goes through literally every emotion in this. She's mad, she's happy, she's a little sad. And finally, let me tell you that every time I watch this I laugh just as hard as when it was happening.

Happy Wednesday! Loving you!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Remember those surveys that tweens people use to do on myspace? Well I was never a myspacer so I am making up for it...

  • 1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be?

    Hmmm well in real life I would love to find a spot in "middle ground" between Ashland and Boyd County with plenty of land but still some neighbors near by. In dream/survey land I would want somewhere warm or tropical. Brent is on a big Hawaii kick right now but that is just really far away. I could go for somewhere in South Carolina or Florida. Maybe I could be neighbors with the Walkers in HHI.
  • 2.What's your favorite article of clothing?
  • Sweat pants. As soon as I get home from school I put on a comfy pair of sweats. Oh and cotton dresses. What not to like? Comfy. Flattering. Flowy...."that thin white cotton dress..."
  • 3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex?
  • Physical. Sheesh. Way to be shallow survey maker. Well Brent has great teeth and a very pretty smile and good muscular legs (just to mention a few). If he had cankles I don't think we would have lasted as long as we have. There. Does that make me shallow?
  • 4. What's the last CD that you bought?
  • I'm not gonna lie. I totally downloaded T. Swift's CD on my ipizzle. I love that Back to December.
  • 5.Where's your favorite place to be?
  • As gay as it sounds I love my classroom. I wouldn't say that it is my favorite though. I love being home with my fam having a "game night." Oh and the Euclid Estate. I loved that place, but Survey maker acted like he only wanted present tense so I will go with home.
  • 6. Where's your least favorite place to be?
    Gyno. Hospital. Or any type of doctors office.
  • 7. What's your favorite place to be massaged?
  • Bow chicka wow wow. My back. Pervs.
  • 8. Strong in mind or strong in body?
    I am in no way strong so I will go with strong minded.
  • 9. What time do you wake in the morning?
  • 9:15 today ...tomorrow my alarm is set for 5:30. Ugh.
  • 10. What's your favorite kitchen appliance?
    Survey maker, I am starting to wonder about you. Ummm I will go with a spoon because it is so resourceful. You can scoop, stir, even cut in times of desperation.
  • 11. What makes you really angry?
  • Bad parents. Don't get me started.
  • 12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
    Piano. I have alway wished I would have taken lessons.
  • 13. Favorite color?
    Pink and blue.
  • 14. Which do you prefer, sports car or SUV?
  • SUV. Despite LL Cool car guzzling down the gas, he make me feel very safe all the time.
  • 15. Do you believe in afterlife?
    Yea baby!
    "My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world."-Billy Graham
  • 17. Favorite children's book?
    I am a teacher so I have a whoooollle lot of favorite bookS but my class and I love Junie B. Jones, she makes me LOL. The other day she called someone a boob. I know I am a 23 year old teacher but I am sorry that is hilarious.
  • 18. What is your favorite season?
    Fall. However Summer is looking better and better right now.
  • 19. What's your least favorite household chore?
    Hmmm that is really hard for me. I will go with loading/emptying the dishwasher.
  • 20. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
    I would want to be able to be invisible. I would love to go walk around big houses and look around. Oh and spy on people. What? Like you all wouldn't.
  • 21. If you have a tattoo, what is it?
  • Brent's face on my back. Oh and my initials in the shape of a butterfly.
  • 22. Can you juggle?
    Kinda. I was a clown once but gave that up for the whole teaching thing plus the paparazzi were just so overwhelming.
  • 23. The one person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to?
    My papaw. I miss him everyday. I would love to tell him all about my job! I know he would be so proud of me!
  • 24. What's your favorite day?
  • Hmmm...I can't pick one. I love the whole weekend. Fridays are my favorite day of schools. That's are fun day.
    25. What's in the trunk of your car?
  • Nothing. I have OCD. It would make me crazy.

  • I know you all already knew all that stuff about me, it was still fun. Keep your fingers crossed for no snow days this week =)
  • Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    I'm loving it.

    Happy Wednesday everyone! Here are 10 things I cannot live without! :)
    (not necessarily in this order)

    1. My loving family! A. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them (literally) and B. I wouldn't
    be where I am today if it weren't for their encouragement and support!
    (I wish I could say I made this collage...but totally stolen from Erika's Blog!)
    2. This not so little dog that thinks he's a real person. I seriously think I would hate living by myself if it weren't for Manny! I mean how can you resist that face anyway?!

    3. YOU! Whoever you are reading this (Hopefully Jane Ann, Britney, Gina, or Amanda)! Like my girl Kelly Clarkson said, my life would suck without you! You are the best! :)
    6. Food and water (duh!). No one can live without that. But I'm more talking about all my favorite foods, good and not so good. And really by water I mean Diet Mountain Dew.
    5. Laughing. I honestly couldn't get through life without it...especially if it's caused by someone falling!

    6. These sweet faces. I can't help but love life and feel so loved when these little girls flash their sweet smiles at me or tell me they miss me! I'm not sure what my family talked about or did before these girls, but I imagine it wasn't near as exciting! And before we know it there will be a boy thrown in the mix!!!

    7. Prayer! I feel like this is really something I've been working on over the last few months. Knowing that God is just a prayer away is so comforting. And it's also something so personal that everyone can do it differently and it's not wrong! :)

    8. Computer! I think it's disgusting that I actually put this, but think about it...a computer can literally replace so many things. Besides providing me with almost all things does just about everything else too!! Don't have food? Send in your pizza order online. Don't have a phone or stamp? Send an email it will get to the point and the person much faster. Need to go Christmas shopping but don't want to fight the crowds? Sign on to literally any where and order something. It's very sad that the world has come to this but with a computer and internet access we can do almost anything.

    9. Chapstick. Love it, gotta have it. Don't know what I would do without it! If I had no other makeup and I had my chapstick...all would be right with the world. (even though a little mascara wouldn't be horrible either)
    10. Dancing. I feel like dance is a lot like laughter for me! It can make any bad day better and any good day great! It makes me so happy. I mean check out this lady...she LOVES life...

    PS- What I'm loving Wednesday: ALL THIS BLOGGING ACTION! WOOHOOO!

    Yane you are so presh! I love the "10 things" thing! Here's the 10 things I can't live without:

    1. My niece!! I can be having the worst day and Sara will skype me or send me a picture or video of Chloe bug and then I am just all smiles. She is so sweet!

    2. My new Iphone. I just got it and don't even know how to use everything on it yet, but it is ALWAYS right beside me.

    3 (The Wrubels-Mom, Dad, and Jenn) and 4 (The Oaks). My Family! We've been through a lot this year and I don't know what I'd do without them!

    5. My boyfriend! I don't know how he puts up with me, but I thank God he does. If it wasn't for him I would have dropped out of Grad School and moved home a lonnnng time ago. He believes in me even when I don't believe in myself. We can laugh, cry, joke, or vent. Needless to say, I can NOT live without him :) (I know mushy, sorry! lol I didn't mean to!)

    6. My baby boy!! Seriously, my dog is awesome. I think he is cooler than most ppl I know lol Everytime I go home I get so excited to see him and he is always so excited to see his sis!

    7. I really don't want to put this after last nights preformace, BUT I still bleed blue! UK basketball is my favorite time of the year!

    8. My planner/ to do list. I write in it/ check things off of it everyday...several times. I LOVE LOVE LOVE being organzied. I guess that's what happens when you live with Jane Ann for so many years haha
    9. My faith quotes I have hanging up all over my room. I read them daily and they remind me what's important :) This one is my favorite: "And who of you by worrying and being anxious can add one unit of measure to his stature or to the span of his life?" - Matthew 6:27

    10. And last, but not least......YOU GIRLS!! I love you all and miss you so much :)

    I am going to be honest. I am not really loving Wednesday. My kids who are usually soooo well behaved have been CRAZY since Friday. They. Are. Exhausting. Plus it is the end of the nine weeks so report cards are going home (I had no idea 1st grade has report cards til last nine weeks.) Plus my KTIP lady called today and she is coming to observe me in two weeks. Plus we had a staff meeting today and Ashland schools are having a budget cut (our coke plant in Ashland is closing) so they are going to have to look into where they can cut back. The principal brought up the fact it could be anyone from instructional assistants to teachers. Ugh. Major stressor. Prayers please. But for the sake of goes...


    I am loving Gilmore Girls these days. I mean Luke and Lorelai totally=love. And that Dean...major Hottie!

    Even thought they are giving me wrinkles and grey hair at the tender age of 23...I am still totally loving these cuties.

    (Have no fear, I have signed releases from all their parents to put their pic on the internet...have you all seen my classroom website?)

    I am loving my elliptical. It makes me feel like I can have McDonald's Ice Coffees everyday.

    I am loving that I was apparently a dancing machine on Saturday and my sweet boyfriend humored me and danced with me. See...
    Reming you of something?

    Sunday, January 16, 2011

    Ten things...

    I am so glad you all loved WILW as much as me =) As promised, I will start us off with my top ten list for the week. This week (as superficial as it is) 10 things I cannot live without.
    1. You all know how OCD I am. When it comes to school, lesson plans, assessments, I am beyond OCD. Meet my lesson planning binder.
    2. I forget how OOC my hair is until I have a day like today when I thought I was a freshmen in college and had a little too much to drink last night and didn't feel "up to" fixing my hair give my hair a break and let it air dry. Brent got me a new straightener for Christmas and it = love. My hair goes from this
    to this

    in just a matter of minutes. Oh and did I tell you all I got a new haircut. You like it?
    3. My new addiction:
    I mean seriously, what did people do without cell phones?
    I know you are shocked. PS Brent and I just watched the Facebook movie. That creator guy is a douche.
    I looove some blog stalking.
    7. I think I went from things I cannot live without to my favorite things. Maybe we should do that next week...
    8. 9. 10.

    Did you notice I skipped 7? My creative juices dried up.

    Saturday, January 15, 2011

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi loves! Okay so it has clearly been way too long since all of us have written on the blog and I have been feeling a little disconnected but was SOOOOOOO happy to see this the other day and I absolutely LOVE IT! This fun little things that we can share makes me feel like we are back in Lex hanging out and telling each other about our days. So instead of picking just one day this week, I thought I would share what I loved about the whole week, because since I worked all the dang time this week there really wasn't one particular day that stood out, but here goes....

    My new favorite thing ever is the new iPod nano touch. So I joined the JCC which is the Jewish Community Center (aka where Jews go to gossip and drive so freaking slow in the parking lot, that it takes me longer to find a parking spot than workout!) Anyways so I joined and got a free iPod, no really FREE, I just joined paid $60 and they said,"What color would you like?" Okay so I have this awesome new iPod, which did I mention was free?, and I was so excited to make a rocking new mix to motivate me to workout. So I go to run the other day and I was really having a great run, so good in fact that I starting grooving to my music. And by grooving to my music I mean I fully starting dancing while running, which normally probably isn't the brightest idea on a treadmill, but on that particular Tuesday it was. And to give you a visual this is what I
    Also this week I reconnected with my fat kid inside. I do not know what my deal is but I have been inhaling food like nobodies business. I am constantly hungry and nothing in my apartment is satisfying enough. So the other night after my awesome workout I made a dank burger on my George Forman and just kept thinking about what else I wanted to eat. Finally a few hours later I remembered my long lost love...YOGURTLAND. This is so appropriately named because it truly is the holy land of yogurt. You walk in and there are 20 flavors of frozen yogurt (that change daily) and it is self serve. Not only that, but there are no sizes, just one big cup and you put whatever you want in it because besides the wealth of flavors there are a wealth of toppings. It is like a dream come true because naturally you put a bunch of different flavors and a bunch of different toppings and create a masterpiece. This was one tasty treat that really made my week! Here is a visual...
    The other thing that I was really excited about this week is the fact that I leave for Israel in a week! I think that I have told all of you that I am going to Israel on a free trip for 10 days. I fly out of New York so I thought while I'm on the east coast why not go and see Matt. So I am going to stay in Rhode Island for a few nights then it's off to New York (well just the airport) and then Israel. I actually really wish I had no life obligations because I was daydreaming yesterday about backpacking around Israel, and then Greece, and then wherever else my travels might take me. But school and work of course are getting in the way of that dream so maybe in another life. Well that is my week in a nutshell...awkward dancing on the treadmill and pigging out a Yogurtland. I'm telling you I lead quite the exciting life! Love you all and I can't wait to share my travels with you when I get back from Israel!

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Inserting "What a great idea Jane Ann"

    I LOVED "What I'm Loving Wednesday" and your post!!! My sister also loves "What I'm Loving Wednesday" on her blog (must be a teacher thing). Since I had no time to share what I was loving on Wednesday I'm sharing...
    1. I'm loving old people! It is pretty much all we see at my new clinic placement and I am in Heaven! They are just too cute and so appreciative. Best of all, they don't scream in your face when you try to put things in their ears. Love kids, but the geris definitely have my heart.

    2. I'm loving Skype! Because we can't see each other and we've been working on the whole "trust" issue and re-getting to know each other, TJ and I have been skyping almost every night. It's so fun! I am pretty much obsessed with it and think everyone with a camera on their computer should get it so I can talk to YOU on Skype! lindsaywalker11- find me :)
    3. I'm loving hearing aid technology!! (Yes, I'm more than aware that I am a total nerd!) They have so many new things that pediatrics and adults can both use. The hearing aids are getting really small too and can hardly be seen! Yesterday in clinic we played with some things on our downtime and I can honestly say I am jealous of people that get to use this stuff. Some of the stuff is like wearing a bluetooth headset without having the horrible bluetooth thing on...since you can barely see the hearing aid under your hair! You probably thing gross but check it out for yourself if you need convinced. And look how small!!!...

    4. I'm loving my new Keurig Coffee maker!!! It's so easy and fast and delish! And since I somehow found a way to get coffee grounds all over the counter every time, it's much cleaner too!

    5. I am loving Zac Brown Band and the songs Colder Weather and Knee Deep! So good! In honor of the FREEZING weather here in the Lou...

    6. I am loving my super supportive friends that will love and support the decisions I make! And even if they don't....they act like it!!! LOVE YOU GIRLS SO MUCH!!!! :)

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    I, Jane Ann Norris, have an addiction. I am addicted to reading blogs. OK sorry, that was kinda gay. But seriously, there are tooooonnns of good teacher blogs out there which are perfect for new teachers like me to get ideas to do in the classroom. Anyways, these teachers blogs, sometimes every night, lead me to people I don't even know (but now feel like we are the best of friends) personal blogs. My favorite blogger wrote about how she and her friends from college don't talk as much as she would like but they email a lot. Each week they would have a list they would all write 10 things to go along with the theme that week (10 favorite things, 10 things I am looking forward to, 10 things I dred, etc. etc,) I was thinking how fun that would be for us to post on the blog each week! Insert "what a good idea, Jane Ann" here. Anyway... another fun thing I have seen is...

    I'm loving that my front yard/ road looks like this...

    So that means... snow day for me. Do not get me wrong, I love my job and my kiddos but I was supposed to have a meeting at central office today alllllll dddaaaayyyy so I am very grateful for the snow day, even if that just means the dumb meeting would be rescheduled.

    I'm loving that I am no longer scared to drive in the snow. Gina, Britney, meet LL Cool Car (named by my mother). This of course is not my car because she is all dirty and sitting in the garage but the resemblance is uncanny.

    I'm loving that tonight is my favorite night of TV. (Thursday, you are a close second these days, but I love my laugh on Wednesdays.)

    I'm loving this video of my brother doing the "expert level" Thriller dance on the Michael Jackson game for wii. Seriously, I die laughing every time I watch it.

    (Please do not tell him I showed you this video or the fact that it is on the world wide web.)

    Happy Wednesday lovies!