Monday, December 28, 2009

Well that was stupid...

First let me say I loved our trip down memory lane that Amanda took us on. It made me a little sad though...especially because I had to drive myself to my finals. haha kidding (i mean I really did, but you get it...) Also, congrats to Jane Ann and Amanda for being college graduates! So proud of you girls!!

Now to business, so this is a blog all about how people do stupid things. This has nothing to do with my life...I'm just complaining per usual. I mean I've always known people can be a little dumb but these are all the things I've noticed in the past little bit...

1. Why do people feel the need to put the Rudolf nose and antlers on their car? I mean i love Christmas, Hannuka, Kwanza, and whatever else their is as much as the next guy, but to dress up your car...That is just silly. Sometimes it makes me Chris Brown style angry and I want to punch the driver right in the face. It's the same as when people put the Christmas lights all over their car. I hope everyone has gotten to experience this because it is intriguing as to how they got the lights to work and stay in place while going down I-64 at 70 mph. BUT, that doesn't make it ok. We get it that you love Christmas, but seriously, no one thinks your Dodge Caravan is pulling Santa's sleigh.

2. This next one has become near and dear to my heart this holiday season...people pressing the question of if you have a boyfriend, a fiance, or a husband. I've been home for 16 days and probably about 10 people have asked me if I was "seeing someone." That is totally a legit question I know, and it probably wouldn't bother me if my answer was yes...but that's not the case so...I HATE IT! I mean 1. most of the people that's none of their business 2. the other half that ask would already know if I had a boyfriend (aka my sister). BUT, the straw that broke the camels back that really set me off on this was on Christmas Eve. We are at my sister's house for a Christmas Eve breakfast and Blake's dad and step-mom are there. I've only met his dad a handful of times and his step-mom only once at the wedding. So we are standing there talking and she looks at me and says "So are you married?" (this was a different way to ask, most people ask about boyfriends before jumping straight to marrying me off) I obviously reply no, i'm not and then she says "oh, well don't you EVER want to get married?" (Let's say it together ladies....RUDE!!!) I was stunned. I mean my shock factor was reaching it's limits and I literally just stood there like an idiot with my jaw on the floor. My mom stepped in and was like she's still in school, she has time and then the woman, I think, realized how offensive it was to act like I was an old maid that would die alone and she was like 'oh yeh yeh you have time.' But, I think she was just trying to convince herself not to feel sorry for me. My mom said I was overreacting and that it wasn't rude but Brooke heard too and she was on my side 100%. I've gotten to the point that I may just start telling people I am dating a married man and so I can't really go into detail. 23 is not old people. This isn't 1954 when everyone was married at 14 and was done having kids by the time they got to our age. Geeze. And while we are on the subject I'm gonna go ahead and throw in the fact that two people have asked if I was still dating the ex. Uh, not for almost 2 years people...get with the program.

3. My final rant is something stupid I did. It literally just happened and inspired this blog. So about 30 minutes ago I'm on facebook chat (wait, though that's stupid, it's not the whole story) and I see that Kate is on and so I decide to message her. I click her name and send her a message that says "Hey Lady!!" but when it pops up I have not sent this message to Kate, but to a boy on the basketball team with the ex. I immediately said "oops, wrong person don't know how that happened! sorry haha" but what I wanted to say was "OMG I AM A COMPLETE SOCIAL RETARD" I just sent a 21 year old boy that I am not friends with or will ever talk to again a message that said "hey lady!!". I felt dumb enough by just doing that because I figured it would get talked about later on between them but the guy never said anything back to me so then i'm like embarrassed but still going to show my face in public. But then I get an fb chat from the idiot that says "HAHAH! J** just told me what you did!! Hilarious!!! HAHAHA" and i'm all like 'yeh haha oops' then he tells me that the guy immediately called him and was laughing so hard that he couldn't even understand him. Well douche bags, glad I could give you all a good laugh. You laugh at me and I'll laugh at your seasons bball record. So anyway, I can laugh about it now but of all the people that could be right above Kate and that I could have a slip of the mouse on it had to be one of those guys. cool. I felt pretty stupid.

4. I also think it's stupid that Gina is gone for 17 in Australia and she didn't take us with her. haha kidding...but I mean that does suck. lol

Anyway, those are some stupid things I wanted to get off my chest. Jane Ann, Brit, and Amanda I hope you had a great Christmas. Gina I hope you had a wonderful Hannuka and a fabulous time on your trip! love you all and miss you sooooo very very much. Now i'll leave you with this and hope you finding as perplexing as I did they do this....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So Long Undergrad....

Hello my lovely ladies, as many of you know I offically became a UK alum recently and as I was leaving campus for the last time, a few things ran through my mind that I want to share with you all.

Up until last Thursday morning (on the drive to my last final) nothing had really hit me yet--but around 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning it all hit me at once. As I was driving past the Johnson Center I thought about all the flag football games, afternoon workouts, and evening walks taken with you all. As I drove past the dorms my mind went back to the day I moved in to Blanding Tower and met Linds. I was so nervous, but you made the transition from home to college so easy for me and quickly became one of my best friends. This utlimately led to my joining of Alpha Gamma Delta which is where I grew so close to all of you guys :)

As I sat at the stoplight near Virgina Ave. I thought of all the trips we had made together on that road. From Whitney and Lindsay and me dropping each other off for a final when we lived at the Commons, to me driving to the Page (crying my eyes out over a stupid boy) just to hear Jane Ann promise that it would all be alright, to late night DQ runs--all those times felt like they had just happened.

I know without a doubt that my 4 years at UK with you all (4 and 1/2 for Yane) are and will forever be 4 of the best years of my life. I came to UK hoping for a degree (and a national championship lol), but got so much more than that. Words can never fully explain just how much each of you have changed my life.

We have helped each other say goodbye to ex's and watched each other walk down the aisle after finally finding the right one. We've grieved with each other over deceased pets and played with each others new puppies like they were our own. We have helped each other study and ofcourse been more than happy to give each other a study break. We have watched Meredith and McDreamy break up and make up and had hour long conversations about them as if they were our real life BFF's. We've driven each other in snow storms, when one of us was too afraid to drive (Thanks again Gina for saving my life that night!), We have had countless dance parties, movie nights, politcal debates, and "family dinners." We have partied and prayed together, laughed and loved, cried and cheered. "For whatever was there to assail you, was there to assail me too."

You girls have been my strength when I was weak, wiped my tears when I couldn't dry my eyes myself, talked sense into me when I was being senseless, and inspired me to never give up. Anyways, these are the thoughts that were running through my mind on my last drive to UK and I just wanted you girls to know how much you are all loved! Hope all is well with each of you! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Loveeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

White House Security has nothing on The Overlook.

I think it is safe to say that last Monday, November 2, 2009 was one of the worst days of my life. After a long, long day of studying and horrible meetings where people acted like children (one, I might add, was in Indiana!), all I wanted to do was be on my couch in a horizontal position watching One Tree Hill and hanging out with Manny. Well, around 7:20 I get back to my apartment and think that is what is about to happen. That was until I go to unlock my door. Low and behold my apartment key and my mailbox key are nowhere to be found. That's right, the keychain The Overlook gave them to me on had somehow broken or opened or someone performed a magic trick on them...Anyway...the keys were gone. I mean I had 75 other keys to my parents house, my brothers house, my car...I even had a key to my OLD house in WV on there...where I haven't lived for over 2 years, yet, no key that I needed at this immediate time. Well I, of course, freak out. I had been only a few places since the last time I had been home around 3 but both those places were in Indiana!! So, I call The Panera I met some girls from class at keys. I call the girl whose house that the meeting was keys in the house. She went to look in the street and drive way and stuff...nope, no keys there either. So I am officially screwed because the apartment offices close at 6. I am an hour late and 2 keys short. So I immediately start to cry like a baby in timeout (full on sob basically) and call Whitney to tell her I'm coming over because I'm locked out. (Keep in mind she's had the same horrible day as me, yet, at this point hers was probably worse because it was her bday!) So I get over there and we are trying to think who we could call and how we are going to basically break in my own apartment. But first we decide to go look around the parking lot by my apartment and so we drive back over and when we get here we realize finding my keys will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack. There are leaves EVERYWHERE! I mean thank you Mother Nature and Overlook grounds maintenance for so kindly making this day better. We pretty much give up before we even start. So we call 3483948 other people and get nothing. I finally remember that there is an emergency maintenance guy that if you call the office they will direct you to. So I call, well after the longest answering machine directions I've ever heard I get to where you leave a message for the man and I hear, "Emergencies include water leak, busted pipe, frozen pipes, air conditioner out when it is over 80 degrees, heater out when it is under 45 degrees, broken windows or door locks, and clogged toilets. If you are locked out of your apartment, call a locksmith..."
Is this some kind of sick joke? I got denied by an answering machine!! It actually says call a locksmith! I have one thing to say to that, RUDE! So I am like fine I'll call Pop-A-Lock who basically just break in to your house for you. That idea was short lived when the woman told me it would cost me $75-100 based on what kind of lock it was. I said uh, I'll call ya back and hung up.No Ma'am I will not give you that much money to simply unlock my door. So I knew it was time, I decide to call my dad. I hadn't before because I 1. didn't want him to worry and 2. didn't want to hear that this was irresponsible (which it totally wasn't because how was I supposed to help that the keychain broke) Anyway, he wasn't mad at me at all but to say that Gene was a little disgruntled that I could poop and get the man there but not get him there when I'm sitting out in the parking lot, a young girl, by herself, with a dog inside the apartment that needs out, when it is dark...would be an understatement. He's like "CALL THE GUY AND TELL HIM THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!! THOSE PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!!"
So I call and leave a message. It is now almost exactly 8:10. I say what has happened and that I can't wait until morning because of Manny and that the locksmith said it would be around midnight before he could get there (that was a total lie, but I needed to have a good reason why I couldn't wait on them other than it was a lot of money).....Well 20 minutes later, no call back. So I call and leave ANOTHER message, this time a little testy and urgent and tell them I understand it's not on the list of emergencies but it actually IS an emergency and even if they aren't coming could someone call me back!...another 20 minutes goes by before I hear anything. For you math impaired that is 40 minutes since my original call to the EMERGENCY number. If I had what they would consider a real emergency like water leaking or spraying out from the pipe for 40 minutes...I would have been even more furious than I already was. So this guy, Steve, calls me and this is how our conversation goes. (SIDENOTE: For those of you who do not know this about me, when people treat me like an idiot I get pissed. Especially when it's phone operators and the people don't get the point I'm trying to make. Amanda has seen this in action and can attest that I become a crazy just imagine that attitude paired with an already emotional basket case!) I tell him about my problem and he tells me he's not allowed to come help. Well I don't like this and I begin to get angry but try to stay calm too because I'm trying to convince this guy to come help me and being a total biotch isn't going to get my door unlocked. Anyway, I basically end up arguing with this man for about 30 minutes. He acted like I was Osama Bin Laden of Louisville and was about to blow this Mother up. Here are a few things he said to me and a few things I said back. (and Whitney can vouch for me that these things were really exaggeration, no nothing to make it better, just Steve being a jackass and me being a perfect citizen (haha!)) (oh, and also imagine that during some of these things being said I am actually crying...there is more to it but I think I got all the key, really good parts)
  • Well, just how did you lose your keys? (like I was the only person in the history of mankind to do such a careless thing)
  • Well, the high quality key chain that the Overlook so graciously gave me, BROKE and now they are gone!
  • And just where did you lose them?
  • Well Sir, do you think if I knew where the keys were we would be having this conversation?! I have no idea where the keys are. I've called everywhere they could be and they aren't there. I don't know!!
  • Ma'am, this is not a real emergency. I have a hard time believing it would take a lock smith 4 hours to get to your house.
  • Well, that's what they said (LIE!) and my dog has been going crazy for over an hour and a half now because he can hear us out here and that's going to get the cops here because of a noise complaint and I'm not even there so it's really not my fault!
  • I can't just let you in to this apartment. I have no proof that you actually live here! I would need some proof of that? then I asked him how I could do that if I couldn't get into the apartment to which he replied I need you to go to the office and get me some kind of folder with your name on it!
  • Well, I DON'T WORK IN THE OFFICE SO I CAN'T DO THAT!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! THIS IS THE BIGGEST CROC-OF-SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD!! (insert crazy Lindsay...trying to calm myself down so he doesn't just hang up but it is getting difficult)
  • Ma'am you need to calm down. Don't take it out on me that you lost your keys. (and one of my favorite things he said:) I've seen kids break into their parents home and take money. How do I know you wouldn't do that. how do i know you aren't some crazy ex girlfriend trying to break into some guys apartment?!
  • (Is he serious right now, did he really think I am trying THIS hard to break into my ex's apartment?!?! This isn't a lifetime movie you idiot!) Sir, If I cannot give you proof I live there once you let me in, I will call the cops on MYSELF and have them arrest me!!! THAT IS HOW SERIOUS I AM RIGHT NOW!!! I CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING TO YOU until you let me IN the apartment!!!
  • This is not part of my job I am just not allowed. I could lose my job for this. Do you understand that? I could be fired if I come there and let you in because I have no proof that you are the resident.
  • If you get fired for this because I am lying to you, I WILL PAY YOU A YEAR'S SALARY!!!! THAT IS HOW SERIOUS I AM ABOUT THIS!!!!!
  • Ma'am I can't take you saying something like that seriously! (HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!)
  • Listen, I have had the WORST day and this is not making it better and my poor dog is in there going crazy and it is going to be a huge mess and I assure you that if this is not where I live, the dog will let you know and there are pictures of my all over the place. Please, please just help me. (yes, I am now begging and at this point crying)
  • I just cannot do that. (what a heartless idiot!! He has nothing on Tire Changing Lee. Unlock-The-Door Steve has NO compassion)
  • I know you could get in trouble but really you don't even have to tell anyone. Please, PLEASE, do this for me!! I don't know anyone around here really and I just need you to PLEASE open my door.
  • Umm, Can you tell me where on the building your apartment it located? If I'm in the building where is it?
...I then proceed in telling him the location of my apartment on the building and a few times he tried to trick me by changing the direction I was looking at the apartment from (d-bag). But no worries, I caught him before he caught me. But clearly Steve did not have his thinking cap on because if I were trying to rob someone's apartment...i OBVIOUSLY would know where they lived. Thanks Steve for proving yet again you are an idiot. Anyway, I could go on but it was basically just him telling me he can't and me saying he actually can. So he says he's going to call some other guy to see what he thinks. 15 minutes later he calls me back and says someone is on their way but "if he opens that door for you and you cannot show him immediately your ID and a bill with your name that matches he has been instructed to call the cops!! If you are lying, you will be arrested!!" again steve, are you serious right now? I don't know if he thought after arguing with him for 30 minutes and practically having to offer up Manny that I was still lying and that would really get me. That tellin me he would call the cops on me would be the thing that made me say, "ok, nevermind steve, i am infact trying to break in to some guys apartment...better luck next time" Umm, duh, I already told him I would call the cops on myself. Guess he forgot. Steve, keep up...COME ON!
So anyway, this guy comes and lets me in around 10!!! Yes, I guess he was driving from Frankfort because he didn't get there until about 40 minutes later. So he opens the door and turns to walk away and I'm like "Ummm don't you need to see my ID?" to which he replies "Oh, uhh, yeh, I guess I better, but I mean I recognize you so it doesn't really matter. I know you live here but just show me anyway I guess" WHAT THE CRAP!!! Again I ask, IS THIS SERIOUS?!?!? He could have cared less if I was the person that lived there!!! OMG SOME PEOPLE!!! So I show him my ID and that is all...not a bill to go with it and he's like cool, see ya. ughhhh. But I think I forgot to mention that this guy was pretty cute and now I see him like everyday and we smile and kinda chuckle to myself. He probably knows I said I would pay a man his yearly salary. Oh well, I got in, FO FREE, and didn't have to pay anyone so I really don't care.
Lesson learned from this: Have a blood, urine, and DNA sample ready incase this were to ever happen again.

Oh life in Louisville, How you get more interesting everyday.

PS- I got an A on the test I didn't finish! HAHAH But I think I failed TWO yesterday so that's cool too I guess.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


So remember when Lindsay told us about how she needed lessons on how to put on lip gloss? Well this past week I discovered that I apparently need lessons on how to put on eye shadow. Here's what happened. Tuesday morning I was getting ready for class and since I was wearing a purple shirt that today I decided to be daring and try some light purple eye shadow I had instead of the usual tan/brown, I mean I have brown eyes, and I've always heard that purple looks good on brown eyes. Well it may be true that purple looks good on brown eyes, but in order for it to look good it need to be on your eyelids....NOT YOUR EYEBROWS where mine ended up somehow by the time I got to class. I guess that morning I forgot to turn on the good makeup light in my bathroom while I was applying my ever so risky look because when I got to campus, after putting my stuff down in my class (and may I add talking to a few people-EMBARRASSING!) I walked into the bathroom in CB only to discover that it looked like my eye makeup had been done by a clown/ child. I hope no one else was in the bathroom, because I literally said out loud "What the hell?!?!" and then started scrubbing the purple off from the top of my eyebrow. THANK GOD I WENT TO THE BATHROOM EARLY THAT DAY! haha Anyways, to give you a visual....this is what I left my house thinking my eyes looked like:

And this is what I saw when I looked in the mirror at Classroom building--except in a purple shade, not blue--which I kinda think makes it even worse ( and again may I add after talking to several people):


Anyways, Linds maybe we can go to makeup classes together lol I miss all of you very much and agree that we need to have a reunion soon! Fyi, I will be DONE with undergrad in 40 days!!!! yayyyyy!!!!!! And also, Christmas is in 48 days!! Get excited!! Love you guys so so so so so much :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wait. I can't count to 4 and I'm in a doctoral program.

Hi friends! Hope you like the new look. I was getting tired of the other one. Anyway, first I want to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I hope everyone has fun plans, whether it be a costume party, a haunted house, or just carving pumpkins...get in the ghostly spirit! ahhh, I love it!

ok, now for the reason I'm posting. Though some of you may have already heard this story, I think it's stupid enough to hear again. So I had my first Acoustics test last Friday. It's basically like a Physics class regarding sound and how it travels and how it reaches the ear and gets changed and filtered and all that jazz. In lamens terms, it's boring. So anyway, we have our test and it is short answer but mostly different types of math problems/graphs/BSing. Well we got to use the book and one piece of paper that we could write whatever we wanted on. I get the test and look through it to see how many questions...there were 11. Then I read the directions again and see it says to write your ID # on every page. So I go through the test again and write my name. I then start my test. It took me 3 hours!!! 3 Hours with only 11 questions and using the book and a "cheat" sheet!!! Kill me now. It was horrible. And I was like one of the first people done. I was feeling decent about it but not great. Anyway, my mind was shot so I went through the test once more to make sure I did everything.

Fast forward to Saturday night:
I'm at dinner with Seth and two girls in our program and we start talking about the test. Well they all start talking about the last question being so hard because it was about 1/2 octave. Well I, much like you right now, have no idea what they are talking about. I am then trying to convince them there were 2 test forms because I didn't have that question. I then say something about "the middle page of the test" when my friend Courtney says, "Lindsay, there was no middle page." and I reply, "uhh, yeh...there was 3 pages" to which they all reply collectively, "LINDSAY! THERE WERE 4 PAGES!!" to which I reply "WHAT!!!!!!!" I had only done 3 pages of the test. They continue to tell me about this test that apparently I didn't take because there were also 13 questions...not 11. I freak out and pull my phone out in the middle of dinner to email my teacher because I obviously didn't have the 4th page. I mean right? How could I miss a whole page of a test but surely she would understand that this was her mistake. How could I have known she forgot to put a page on my test. Anyway, so this is my email:

Dr. P------,

I was just discussing the acoustics test with a few of the other first years and I think my test only had three pages. I only had 11 questions, but they all said they had 13. Is there any way I can come in to finish the last page sometime this week?



So naturally, I felt a little better but I compulsively checked my email about 349 times on Sunday before I finally got this reply:

Hi Lindsay,
I checked your exam, and you did have the 4th page (with questions 12 and 13) but the page is blank. I cant give you that last page again, since this could give you an unfair advantage,
(my thoughts: WHAT!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Those questions were worth 25 points! Without them I would automatically get a 75 and that's not counting everything else that I didn't feel really great about!!!! Oh my goodness, what the crap!!! She is lying, I did not have those questions and she has stapled them on after she saw her mistake!!! I went through the test three times! There was glue on the pages or something. I AM SUCH A FAILURE!!!! end thoughts.) but maybe I can give you a new question. I am going out of town early tomorrow and I will not be in the office until Wed. Can you come in to my office Thursday morning or afternoon? (holy cow, SHE IS THE NICEST TEACHER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!)

Ok, she was going to let me make up the questions? Just that easily? I mean I skipped them and this is grad school. There has to be a catch!! So we finally set it up and I go in on Wednesday and she gives me new questions! Thank goodness for small programs where the professors know you well enough to trust you. I still don't know how I did, but better than when I hadn't FINISHED MY TEST! I felt like a complete idiot going in there to talk to her. Oh man, anyway the worst thing she said would happen is the two problems I did may not be worth as much as the ones on the actual test (you know, the ones I just chose not to complete) so when she converted the grades mine would only be worth maybe 90-95 or something. So that was may have given me my first coronary BUT it also taught me a valuable lesson. One I should have learned probably in 1st grade. Learn to count to 4 and always finish tests. I'll keep ya posted on the grade I get. Oh, and did I mention one of the questions she gave me was wayyy super easy and probably way unfair that I got that one and everyone else got really hard ones. ohhhh grad school...

ok love you. can we please all see each other soon? like, after Gina unthaws. I miss you all so much!! Also, Gina- I looked for the clip on the news website because I felt like that would just be a great thing to see...unfortunately, no such luck.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life in Denver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi loves! So I have been waiting to write this blog because if I had written it after the first week I got here, there would have been nothing to share because I sat around and watched Grey's Anatomy with Sarah. I also was kind of a Negative Nancy the first few weeks and my blog most definitely would have reflected that. Now that things are getting better and we have started to get out and do things in Denver, I have fun things to share, YAY! Ok so we have been here about four weeks already and suddenly we are celebrities....ok well maybe that's tooting my own horn a little too much, but yesterday Sarah and I were filmed by ABC 7 news! Here is the story...
It has been snowing here for two days straight and there is currently around 2 feet of snow, crazy I know. Well the school I work at has been canceled the last two days so yesterday Sarah and I met up with this girl we work with to play in the snow and make snowmen. There is this huge park like 10 minutes from our apartment called Wash Park and it is where, when the weather is nice, people go to run, walk, or just hang out. Well we decided to go there to play in the snow and the news people were there and stopped to talk to us. Keep in mind that we were in the middle of this crazy snow storm and the winds were gusting and it was snowing pretty hard. Just to give you a visual, for my 15 seconds of fame I was wearing snow pants, snow boots, like 5 layers of clothes, and my hat with my hood over it. So I pretty much looked like that kid from A Christmas Story without the glasses. Anyways they were asking us questions about the storm and why when everyone else was inside and staying off the roads, we were out? And my response was, well we just wanted to come play in the snow (as I was giggling), clearly I should not go into a career that I would ever be interviewed on TV.
Denver is very cool and the weather is crazy because right now we are having this storm and there is all this snow and it's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend so it will all be gone! I am working at a middle school five days a week and a fondue restaurant 3-4 nights a week, so I am definitely keeping busy. My school job ends when I leave for Australia because it's just temporary, and I am looking for another restaurant job because I really don't like it. All the people are super dramatic and competitive, which is stupid because we pool our tips and all make the same in the end. It is also really disorganized and I come home smelling like cheese and garlic from making the fondue. Sarah and I actually work at the same restaurant and she is a hostess. There are a couple of cool people who we have been hanging out with. It's nice to have people to go do stuff with and I am glad we are making friends, but it's just different and it makes me miss you all so much more :( I think that's all I've got for right now. Happy early Halloween and I hope that you all will post pictures of your costumes so I can see! Love you and miss you!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts from the Shoulder of I-64 E

What's with the title you may be wondering? Oh, you know. Just got stranded on the side of the road for a good hour and a half to two hours the other day while driving home for fall break. This was only after I had sat in the exact same spot on the interstate for 30 minutes for Lord only knows what, because once traffic finally got going...there was nothing. And how could i forget the monsoon that was taking place as well? Ugh...driving. No thank you. Anyway, so I'm stranded with a flatter than flat tire and I am waiting on a Friend of a Friend of my Dad and sitting there thinking. Because what else was I supposed to do? Change it myself? Well people I didn't want a totaled car which is probably what would have happened had I tried to change it, especially in a Hurricane. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is leave me stranded in the shoe department, a bike trail, downtown Louisville...basically anywhere BUT the shoulder of an interstate and I will prevail...on the side of the road however, I can do nothing but think. Which is where this post comes from....

1. Life is better with a boyfriend. Ok. Yes, this is a little bold to say but if I had a boyfriend with me, he could have changed my tire (unless it was one of the pretty, momma's boys I have dated in the past, in which case this would be a bad example of the previous statement). If he couldn't have changed the tire, he could have at least kept me company. Also if I had a boyfriend my halloween costume choices would be much more extensive. I mean couple costumes are endless and usually way cuter (ie. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Cookie & Cookie Monster, Mario & Princess, Lion and Lion Tamer, I could go on but I think you get the point)than when you are say...Minnie Mouse by yourself. (oh well, i'm doing it anyway) My final argument for this realization is that as I looked through old pictures the other day...i am WAY skinnier with a boyfriend. All the times I had a boyfriend I knew it because of the sheer shape of my face. Ah geeze. Ol prince will come...and I hope he has a tire jack.

2. Some people are way more kind than you would ever imagine. So the guy that came to change my tire didn't even hesitate to come when my dad's friend called him. He didn't know me or my dad from any other person but he stopped everything he was doing and came to help a Tsunami. So not only was he going to be drenched just by the rain but he was also going to get drenched by the Semi trucks that would drive by and splash him. And, it's also just dangerous hanging out on the side of a major interstate when it's kinda dark-ish due to the rain. I asked him 9848463762384 times if there was anything I could do and he just kept saying no no just stay in here and stay dry. I mean what a great guy. I would have totally jumped all over that to solve thought #1 however, he was about 15 years my senior and had the ol' weddin' band on. Anyway, the point is that I am not sure how I would have reacted if someone I didn' tknow from Adam called me for help... I would like to say I would have jumped right at the chance but I am really not sure. So anyway, Hats off to Lee from Mount Sterling, KY for being such a stand up guy!!! :)

3. People do not know how to drive when it rains. Obviously, this is clear how I came to this conclusion. Pure observation. But seriously, people just slow down a little. Rain does not = drive with your breaks on or as fast as you can and slam on them right before you hydroplane in a huge puddle.

4. Boys and dogs have the life. I had to pee before I even got into traffic, before I got the flat. Traffic for 30 minutes + flat tire delay for roughly an hour and 45 minutes is an equation for disaster. I considered just peeing my pants because I had to go so badly and then I'd just get out in the rain and no one would ever know. Ok, so that might be a slight exaggeration BUT it was so bad it like hurt to move and where you have to unbutton your pants to take away some of the pressure. However, my little dog that had to pee...could go on the side of the road. If ol' Lee with his tire changing self needed to take 5 for a pee break...he could have. However, if I had done that I would have 1. been considered super unclassy and 2. been arrested for indecent exposure. It was not fair. I am not even going to go into how boy's don't have to go through the monthly visitor. But I will say that having to sit down to pee is for the birds....wait, nope birds can go anywhere, anytime just like boys and dogs. Unfair.

5. We are the only people that monitor, untag, and filter our facebook pictures (Thank goodness for the iPhone). Do people have no modesty? No, they don't. I, nor anyone else in facebook land, do not want to see you taking a picture of yourself to be your default of you in a bra, no I do not want to see you sucking Glenn's face, no I do not care to see you smoking feed with all your friends, nor do I care to see you drunkenly kissing your same sex bff. It is gross, unclassy, way to public, inappropriate, and just plain trashy. Do people not realize that anyone can get on facebook/twitter/myspace/whatever else there is that I do not know about and stalk the shit out of you? Has no one watched Chris Hansen kickin a- and taking names on "To Catch a Predator" I think not. And not one is going to want to hire you when all your pictures are ones taken when you were blacked out and your friends drew all over your face. Mr. Facebook put a 'remove tag' beside your name for a reason. Maybe I should make a new application with directions and people could start adding that one instead of all those freaking ones that tells you who your Stalker is or what everyone's Zodiac sign is. Was I the only one annoyed by those things? Dang.

6. NSYNC can always turn your day around....or really any late 90's music. It just makes you feel better. And how do we even remember all the words? So random but I'm so glad we do because I just love to rock out to it.

7. I should have been studying this whole time. and now as I write this too. Oh well, it's Fall break.

8. This isn't mine but I'm stealing it from the guy on the radio:

How do you make Lady GaGa cry?

Poker Face (hahahahaha:))

Ok, so there ya are. There aren't real deep but they are what kept me occupied for what seemed like 4 days on the side of the road. Oh, I should also say that after getting my car fixed the good news is it was only a ginormous staple that flattened the tire. Bad news is that when my dad took it in to get checked today they found that all my tired are DRY ROTTING! Yes, according to the mechanic my tires could have literally fallen apart at any moment. Thank goodness it was only a flat!! Ok, well that's all for now. Love you lots and I'll leave you with this (one of my favs) and hopefully a know you want to click here :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

I am not gonna lie, I am bad out the whole blogging/ putting my thought and feeling out there. Don’t get me wrong… I will gladly tell you what I am thinking or feeling but there is something about writing it. For example: the other night I was going to put up a facebook status about how I had a bad day. I was going to write something like "Jane Ann is so over it..." "it" referring to school then I realized some people would think "it" was Brent. So then I was going to put I was not happy because I had a bad day… then I thought how many of my 775 friends really care if I had a bad day? I debated a few more status ideas ( we are talking this was like a 5 minute fight in my head) long story short... my status bar was blank.
Oh life. This is what I have become people. I think students teaching has really made me crazy. I have zero life outside of school. We are talking I get home between 5:30 or 6 and do work until I go to bed at 10:30. I am so ready to be a teacher. At this point I am thinking my first year, which is supposed to be so awful and overwhelming, is going to be cake. Blah.
Right not I am doing the awkward thing. I have no idea what to talk about. So I leave you with this picture. I love and miss you all =) Except Amanda cause we live together.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My Adventures as a Minority

Hello my looooooooooooves! So I have been wanting to blog for a while, but what can I say, my life is pretty boring now and I didn't really have anything to tell you all about or any good stories....enter the Faulker family. lol

So last weekend I made the drive to Louisville were I was informed by my wonderful boyfriend that we were going to be having a cookout with some of his family. Obviously I was very nervous for obvious reasons. #1. I'm white. #2. They're not. #3 Meeting the family is always nerveracking. But anways, since the very first time he came to Ashland he had to meet my Dad's sister and her whole family, including lisa's boys and then my family along with jenn's boyfriend and sara's husband--I agreed to this cookout. OH BOY.

I had already met his mom a few times because I had been to stay with him in Louisville a few times before this and she is like outta control, but really nice and we get along great so I wasn't nervous about her. But before the cookout, she wanted me and DC to run some errands with her so we agreed. Next thing I know we are driving down the streets of Louisiville and Tammy (DC's mom) decides to put in a new cd to ask if Dequante likes it. Every other word was the N word and Tammy was bumpin it down the road. I, by the way, was in the front seat with her. The little white girl, with my hands in my lap, not knowing what to do, but be as awkward as possible was just sitting there starin out the window watching all the other black people bumpin in their cars beside us. I was BY FAR THE MINORITY. Finally she looked at me and said--"I don't like it either" and turned it off. Then me, her, and DC started cracking up.

Anyways, later that night once the family comes over....we are all sitting in the living room talking and the new Whitney Huston cd had came out that day and Tammy really wanted it so DC got it for her while we were at Walmart and she had it playing. Well, one song goes off and the conversation for the moment kinda dies so the room is completely quiet and at this exact moment my mother decides to call me--for those of you who don't know my family rington is "Where I'm From" by Jason Michael Carroll. That's right, the song about Ford trucks and green tractors and it is playing extremly loud from my pocket. At first everyone just kind of looks at eachother and then his aunt looks at me and goes "Hmm, that's a different kinda music there, huh?" hahahahahaha I was mortified. It was really funny though! Anywayyyyyyyyyys, that is pretty much the high points of my weekend as a minority. The next day I got to see Linds and UK beat UL! YAYYY! And then DC took me to Cheesecake Factory :)

Last little thing I have to say is that Lindsay's last blog about missing you all....I feel the exact same way!! Lexington is NOT the same without us all there! I've always loved UK, but I've never liked it less, everything is just different without us all together and I'm glad that we are all going out and reaching our goals, but I just think we need to have another reunion soon because I am definately the happiest when I am with all of you! :) I hope all of you girls are doing good! I miss you all and love you all soooooo much :)

p.s. I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

She's Just Bein' Miley...

Well, here I am again, and due to lack of time, I'm going to cut right to the chase.
Miley Cyrus is a lyrical genius.
Yeh, I said it. Yes, she's twelve...yes, she has horse teeth...and yes, she is wise beyond her years. Think about it...Yes, Miley there IS always going to be another mountain and I am going to want to make it move! I know you are probably thinking "get serious!" but I am! I am going to tell you how I came to this realization and I bet you will agree when I am done...

(Note: I've wanted to write this for a long time but never had time so that's why it's about a week or so late. I still have one kajillion things to do but I have a test and that always leads to new random thoughts...YAY ANATOMY!)

The first time I realized Miley was the was when I was feeling a little out of place and weird with the people at school. We had gone to dinner the night before and it was fun but not like when we all went to dinner. Then that night we were going out. Nothing big, just some hole in the wall place but I just felt weird about it. Anyway, I'm getting ready and listening to a CD Tori sent me and Miley starts jammin' with Party in the USA . It was just what I needed...if you haven't heard the song you must be deaf because it plays constantly but just in case....

Yes! Miley knew exactly how I felt. Not that I thought everyone was famous, obviously. (Except there is one guy we will probably see on COPS one day with a DUI and an order for AA.) But it just made me feel so much better. So my dance party concluded with me "put my hands up" and "moving my hips like yeah" and going on with my getting ready. Everything was going to be okay! And it was...the night was fun and we all started to actually get to know each other instead of the awkward so where are you from?/recruitment style convos. YAY MILEY!

Now for Miley's second intervention into my life via Hannah Montana...

So I went home for the first time last weekend for Labor Day. This was the first time I've ever driven straight from WV to Louisville or vice versa. I figured it was only another hour past Lexington so it couldn't be too bad...WRONG. But it wasn't because it was soooo far (which it was) but it was because I had to drive past all those Lexington exits. Seriously, there has got to be at least 7. You all, I got so to the point of almost tears sad. I wanted to be going there because that is what I did for 4 fabulous years and it just worked. Why would I ever leave there? Don't fix what ain't broke, right? Don't get me wrong I love Louisville so much, but it isn't the same. The places aren't the same and the friends DEFINITELY aren't the same. You all just aren't there. :( So anyway, I have a little pity party for one and continue on to WV. But the whole drive I am just thinking about how 1. it sucks to have to drive past the point where you used to start driving because it makes it seem 39349382492384 miles longer and 2. how I wished you all would pack your lives up and move in with me. Slumber party 24/7? yes please! Ok, so as I am being way dramatic and 'Wow is me' my girl Miley comes on the CD (same one as before, Tori loves the girl) So it was the song Always Find Your Way Back Home. For those non-miley fans here it is again.....

So, one you bring yourself to look past the weird suit wardrobe and awkwardly fast costume change into a my little pony cowgirl get-up...the words are so good! It doesn't matter where we go to school (UK, UL, whatev)...or where we live (Colorado, KY, WV...) We can always go back to Lexington (yes, I know it's not home but just hear me out) and be together and love each other and be biffles for life. I think we are all just at a point in our life where we need to have a place where we can just go and be ourselves and let loose and for me that's when I'm with you all. Gay sounding, maybe? but so true!

Ok, so I could go on about a thousand other Kanye dissing my girl Taylor for all the world to see (DOUCHE) but I'll stop because now I've written a Miley Cyrus novel and instead should have been learning the job of every muscle in your face and neck. Anywho, I just want to say I LOVE YOU ALL and MISS YOU EVEN MORE!!!! So now write on this silly thing because I it's a good study distraction. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Good Ol' West

Hey there! So before I dive into updating you all on my adventures in Bozeman, MT, I will update you on my life in Chicago. Yes I got a new car for those of you who didn't know, and it's awesome! It's a Toyota Highlander and it will be perfect for wintery weather in Denver. I have only gotten to drive it one day because the day after I got it I left for Montana, so I am pretty excited to cruise around town in it when I get home.
Ok so now onto my adventures in Bozeman. I got here last Friday night late and have been a busy adventure bee since then. On Saturday we drove like 3 hours or so northwest and camped out. It was quite the adventure because we got to the National Forest when it was already dark so we were using our sweet headlamps to find a place to camp and it ended up being like right next to the road, but we survived. We woke up on Sunday morning and drove like another hour and a half to Idaho (yah that's right and the license plates in Idaho say something like "Beautiful scenery, Fabulous potatoes", but sadly I didn't get to eat any). Anyways we did this really cool trail called Rails-to-trails and it is an old railroad route that was turned into a bike trail. So the first two miles of the trail are through a tunnel. It was probably the hardest I have ever had to focus while riding a bike. You have to wear a headlamp because there are no lights in the tunnel and to make things worse on each side there are these 10 foot water basins and there are no rails between you and the basins. I was freaking out to say the least and how I didn't fall into the basin is news to me. It was totally awesome though and definitely a worth it!
Then we drove back to Bozeman and I have just been hanging here this week because my cousin and her boyfriend started class Monday. So I have been going to class with them and stuff, which has been both interesting and boring depending on the teacher. It's really cool though because they live so close to the mountains that we have been able to go hiking and whitewater rafting before class, which is totally awesome!
Ok so for the awkward story because there is always one right? So they live about 10 minutes from campus by bike so they always bike there. Well they are pretty sporty and in shape and stuff and well as much as I'd like to think I am, well once you hit elevation you're not. So they bike super fast and I am huffing and puffing and trying to keep up. Once you get to campus there is the trouble of trying not to hit pedestrians, which well it's hard to dodge them. So I am riding and trying to keep up and all of a sudden I lose my shoe, my bag gets stuck on the wheel, and down I go off the side walk into the grass. And if that wasn't enough, I couldn't get the bag unhooked off the wheel, so a smooth get away was out of the question. Then since my cousin and her bf were riding so fast I lost them and was running, yes running with my bike trying to find them. It was mortifying, but I kept telling myself "Thank God I don't go to this school!"
This weekend we are going backpacking in Yellowstone and we will be gone until Monday night, then I leave Tuesday morning for Denver! I will be in Denver Tuesday through Saturday hopefully finding a place to live and a source of income and if all goes well I will be moving October 1st. Pretty crazy! Well, I miss you all terribly and hope all is well in KY! Can't wait to hear about your lives!
PS-Lindsay I showed my cousin the blog and she read the story about the lip gloss and about peed herself! Ha ha so funny!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good News! Awkward things happen here too.

Hello my dear friends!

Look at me! I finally made this little blog for us to love and gossip and share life stories and totally awkward moments because we all know we got 'em all. So here it goes... the first post... enjoy.

So I'm trying out the whole new school, new place thing and it's going really well so far. That is, of course, after the very first day. So orientation starts with all faculty and all students (1st-3rd years) going around the room introducing themselves with their name, old school, where they are from and an interesting/fun fact. Well let me just be the first to say I HATE nothing more than having to think of something fun about myself. I am not interesting, have no extreme talents or appropriate funny stories. So, as I sit there racking my brain for something good (hello...I need to make a good impression people!!!) I listen to everyone else's stories about scuba diving with sharks or going to Jefferson Community College to get their student ID for UofL or even how they have a phobia of drinking the last drink in the water bottle. I have nothing. So finally, they call my name to go, and I still am clueless what to say. Somehow "one time I was peeing on the side of the road and scrapped my face off" or "there was this time I was trying to bust a move at a date party and instead just busted it" or even "one time I got a concussion while wearing a toga on a, no I was sober" just didn't seem like what this group of people was looking for. I even considered lying by using one of your all's interesting facts/stories/whatev, but apparently you are boring too because the only thing I could come up with was "I'm moving to colorado" and "I got married this summer" which I think they all would have been suspicious about. So I stand up and say the whole spill of who I am and where I came from and then I stand for a minute and say "I really have nothing funny or interesting" and then the most annoying girl in the world (seriously, imagine someone you cannot stand and times it by a billion, that's this girl) says "IT'S OKAY GIRL-YOU'RE FROM WV...THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!" (she's from there and caps=she really talks that loud) So anyway, I'm all like "ha...ha. Yeh, Oh I'm a huge Mountaineer fan and it was like a huge deal for my family that I came here" (FAIL) and then this one girl who thinks she's awesome because she got gastric bypass is like "ohhh girl, it's going to be a long 4 years for you!" and then annoying girl "WE CAN BE DISOWNED BY OUR FAMILIES TOGETHER!!!" I said "haha yeh"...and sat down. Wow, great first impression Linds. There were like crickets. I was so awkward and totally regret n
ot going with a story that involved me somehow being seriously injured. I mean, I'm funny right? How could I not think of anything. The best I had was to basically diss the school I'm going to.

So that was that and people still talked to me, so I wasn't like the weird girl with nothing to say. Ps-I still wasn't as awkward as the girl that literally stood up and said her name and then just stood there. Like didn't even say "I have nothing"...she literally just stood there for what may or may not have been the most awkward 30 seconds of my life.

Ok, so moving on with Monday of orientation week. That night, the three boys in my program, Whitney and I went to this place called the Beer Depot. It was like an advertisement for creepy people in Louisville but this one guy suggested it so off we went. Well again I'm trying to make a good impression because these are pretty cool guys. But, not like a "hey, date me" impression because one is married, one is dating someone, and one is Seth. Anyway, while we were there we played cornhole and just hung out for about two hours. Fun times, nothing awkward or unfortunate to report. Or so I thought...

(flashback to the car ride to Beer Depot)...Seth, whitney and I are on our way to the place, just chatting it up about the days events and I decide to put on some lip gloss. Why? I have no idea. I never just feel the need for lipgloss but today, I guess I was channeling Debbie and just went with it. So I put the only lipgloss in my purse on, which is Clinque Long Wear or something like that. Keep in mind, I am in the backseat and am using the rearview mirror as a guide.

(flashforward to coming home from creepy place) I walk in my bathroom to get ready for bed and such and look in the mirror and why do I look like Ella has put my lipgloss on me. Yes folks, it was everywhere. Like below my bottom lip and a little over my top lip on one side. Thanks Clinque Long Lasting lip gloss for making me look like a douche bag the whole night. But special thanks to Whitney who didn't tell me!!!! So now, not only am I the awkward girl with nothing to say, but I'm also the girl that apparently puts her makeup on like a child. When I asked Whitney why she didn't tell me, she said she hadn't noticed. So now, I regret to tell you that Whitney has gone blind. There is NO WAY you would not have noticed it..

Look I was going for....

look I achieved....

So that was just my first day...

But thankfully I was able to press on and have been far less awkward and much more cool since then. The first week of classes was a little overwhelming but good nonetheless. The people are fun and we all get along really well. I have more stories but I just wrote a short novel. So I hope your all's lives are going well and I miss you so much!
Anddddd now it's your turn...start your bloggin'...