Monday, October 12, 2009

Thoughts from the Shoulder of I-64 E

What's with the title you may be wondering? Oh, you know. Just got stranded on the side of the road for a good hour and a half to two hours the other day while driving home for fall break. This was only after I had sat in the exact same spot on the interstate for 30 minutes for Lord only knows what, because once traffic finally got going...there was nothing. And how could i forget the monsoon that was taking place as well? Ugh...driving. No thank you. Anyway, so I'm stranded with a flatter than flat tire and I am waiting on a Friend of a Friend of my Dad and sitting there thinking. Because what else was I supposed to do? Change it myself? Well people I didn't want a totaled car which is probably what would have happened had I tried to change it, especially in a Hurricane. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is leave me stranded in the shoe department, a bike trail, downtown Louisville...basically anywhere BUT the shoulder of an interstate and I will prevail...on the side of the road however, I can do nothing but think. Which is where this post comes from....

1. Life is better with a boyfriend. Ok. Yes, this is a little bold to say but if I had a boyfriend with me, he could have changed my tire (unless it was one of the pretty, momma's boys I have dated in the past, in which case this would be a bad example of the previous statement). If he couldn't have changed the tire, he could have at least kept me company. Also if I had a boyfriend my halloween costume choices would be much more extensive. I mean couple costumes are endless and usually way cuter (ie. Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Cookie & Cookie Monster, Mario & Princess, Lion and Lion Tamer, I could go on but I think you get the point)than when you are say...Minnie Mouse by yourself. (oh well, i'm doing it anyway) My final argument for this realization is that as I looked through old pictures the other day...i am WAY skinnier with a boyfriend. All the times I had a boyfriend I knew it because of the sheer shape of my face. Ah geeze. Ol prince will come...and I hope he has a tire jack.

2. Some people are way more kind than you would ever imagine. So the guy that came to change my tire didn't even hesitate to come when my dad's friend called him. He didn't know me or my dad from any other person but he stopped everything he was doing and came to help a Tsunami. So not only was he going to be drenched just by the rain but he was also going to get drenched by the Semi trucks that would drive by and splash him. And, it's also just dangerous hanging out on the side of a major interstate when it's kinda dark-ish due to the rain. I asked him 9848463762384 times if there was anything I could do and he just kept saying no no just stay in here and stay dry. I mean what a great guy. I would have totally jumped all over that to solve thought #1 however, he was about 15 years my senior and had the ol' weddin' band on. Anyway, the point is that I am not sure how I would have reacted if someone I didn' tknow from Adam called me for help... I would like to say I would have jumped right at the chance but I am really not sure. So anyway, Hats off to Lee from Mount Sterling, KY for being such a stand up guy!!! :)

3. People do not know how to drive when it rains. Obviously, this is clear how I came to this conclusion. Pure observation. But seriously, people just slow down a little. Rain does not = drive with your breaks on or as fast as you can and slam on them right before you hydroplane in a huge puddle.

4. Boys and dogs have the life. I had to pee before I even got into traffic, before I got the flat. Traffic for 30 minutes + flat tire delay for roughly an hour and 45 minutes is an equation for disaster. I considered just peeing my pants because I had to go so badly and then I'd just get out in the rain and no one would ever know. Ok, so that might be a slight exaggeration BUT it was so bad it like hurt to move and where you have to unbutton your pants to take away some of the pressure. However, my little dog that had to pee...could go on the side of the road. If ol' Lee with his tire changing self needed to take 5 for a pee break...he could have. However, if I had done that I would have 1. been considered super unclassy and 2. been arrested for indecent exposure. It was not fair. I am not even going to go into how boy's don't have to go through the monthly visitor. But I will say that having to sit down to pee is for the birds....wait, nope birds can go anywhere, anytime just like boys and dogs. Unfair.

5. We are the only people that monitor, untag, and filter our facebook pictures (Thank goodness for the iPhone). Do people have no modesty? No, they don't. I, nor anyone else in facebook land, do not want to see you taking a picture of yourself to be your default of you in a bra, no I do not want to see you sucking Glenn's face, no I do not care to see you smoking feed with all your friends, nor do I care to see you drunkenly kissing your same sex bff. It is gross, unclassy, way to public, inappropriate, and just plain trashy. Do people not realize that anyone can get on facebook/twitter/myspace/whatever else there is that I do not know about and stalk the shit out of you? Has no one watched Chris Hansen kickin a- and taking names on "To Catch a Predator" I think not. And not one is going to want to hire you when all your pictures are ones taken when you were blacked out and your friends drew all over your face. Mr. Facebook put a 'remove tag' beside your name for a reason. Maybe I should make a new application with directions and people could start adding that one instead of all those freaking ones that tells you who your Stalker is or what everyone's Zodiac sign is. Was I the only one annoyed by those things? Dang.

6. NSYNC can always turn your day around....or really any late 90's music. It just makes you feel better. And how do we even remember all the words? So random but I'm so glad we do because I just love to rock out to it.

7. I should have been studying this whole time. and now as I write this too. Oh well, it's Fall break.

8. This isn't mine but I'm stealing it from the guy on the radio:

How do you make Lady GaGa cry?

Poker Face (hahahahaha:))

Ok, so there ya are. There aren't real deep but they are what kept me occupied for what seemed like 4 days on the side of the road. Oh, I should also say that after getting my car fixed the good news is it was only a ginormous staple that flattened the tire. Bad news is that when my dad took it in to get checked today they found that all my tired are DRY ROTTING! Yes, according to the mechanic my tires could have literally fallen apart at any moment. Thank goodness it was only a flat!! Ok, well that's all for now. Love you lots and I'll leave you with this (one of my favs) and hopefully a know you want to click here :)

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