Saturday, October 3, 2009

I am not gonna lie, I am bad out the whole blogging/ putting my thought and feeling out there. Don’t get me wrong… I will gladly tell you what I am thinking or feeling but there is something about writing it. For example: the other night I was going to put up a facebook status about how I had a bad day. I was going to write something like "Jane Ann is so over it..." "it" referring to school then I realized some people would think "it" was Brent. So then I was going to put I was not happy because I had a bad day… then I thought how many of my 775 friends really care if I had a bad day? I debated a few more status ideas ( we are talking this was like a 5 minute fight in my head) long story short... my status bar was blank.
Oh life. This is what I have become people. I think students teaching has really made me crazy. I have zero life outside of school. We are talking I get home between 5:30 or 6 and do work until I go to bed at 10:30. I am so ready to be a teacher. At this point I am thinking my first year, which is supposed to be so awful and overwhelming, is going to be cake. Blah.
Right not I am doing the awkward thing. I have no idea what to talk about. So I leave you with this picture. I love and miss you all =) Except Amanda cause we live together.

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