Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wait. I can't count to 4 and I'm in a doctoral program.

Hi friends! Hope you like the new look. I was getting tired of the other one. Anyway, first I want to say HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I hope everyone has fun plans, whether it be a costume party, a haunted house, or just carving pumpkins...get in the ghostly spirit! ahhh, I love it!

ok, now for the reason I'm posting. Though some of you may have already heard this story, I think it's stupid enough to hear again. So I had my first Acoustics test last Friday. It's basically like a Physics class regarding sound and how it travels and how it reaches the ear and gets changed and filtered and all that jazz. In lamens terms, it's boring. So anyway, we have our test and it is short answer but mostly different types of math problems/graphs/BSing. Well we got to use the book and one piece of paper that we could write whatever we wanted on. I get the test and look through it to see how many questions...there were 11. Then I read the directions again and see it says to write your ID # on every page. So I go through the test again and write my name. I then start my test. It took me 3 hours!!! 3 Hours with only 11 questions and using the book and a "cheat" sheet!!! Kill me now. It was horrible. And I was like one of the first people done. I was feeling decent about it but not great. Anyway, my mind was shot so I went through the test once more to make sure I did everything.

Fast forward to Saturday night:
I'm at dinner with Seth and two girls in our program and we start talking about the test. Well they all start talking about the last question being so hard because it was about 1/2 octave. Well I, much like you right now, have no idea what they are talking about. I am then trying to convince them there were 2 test forms because I didn't have that question. I then say something about "the middle page of the test" when my friend Courtney says, "Lindsay, there was no middle page." and I reply, "uhh, yeh...there was 3 pages" to which they all reply collectively, "LINDSAY! THERE WERE 4 PAGES!!" to which I reply "WHAT!!!!!!!" I had only done 3 pages of the test. They continue to tell me about this test that apparently I didn't take because there were also 13 questions...not 11. I freak out and pull my phone out in the middle of dinner to email my teacher because I obviously didn't have the 4th page. I mean right? How could I miss a whole page of a test but surely she would understand that this was her mistake. How could I have known she forgot to put a page on my test. Anyway, so this is my email:

Dr. P------,

I was just discussing the acoustics test with a few of the other first years and I think my test only had three pages. I only had 11 questions, but they all said they had 13. Is there any way I can come in to finish the last page sometime this week?



So naturally, I felt a little better but I compulsively checked my email about 349 times on Sunday before I finally got this reply:

Hi Lindsay,
I checked your exam, and you did have the 4th page (with questions 12 and 13) but the page is blank. I cant give you that last page again, since this could give you an unfair advantage,
(my thoughts: WHAT!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Those questions were worth 25 points! Without them I would automatically get a 75 and that's not counting everything else that I didn't feel really great about!!!! Oh my goodness, what the crap!!! She is lying, I did not have those questions and she has stapled them on after she saw her mistake!!! I went through the test three times! There was glue on the pages or something. I AM SUCH A FAILURE!!!! end thoughts.) but maybe I can give you a new question. I am going out of town early tomorrow and I will not be in the office until Wed. Can you come in to my office Thursday morning or afternoon? (holy cow, SHE IS THE NICEST TEACHER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!!!)

Ok, she was going to let me make up the questions? Just that easily? I mean I skipped them and this is grad school. There has to be a catch!! So we finally set it up and I go in on Wednesday and she gives me new questions! Thank goodness for small programs where the professors know you well enough to trust you. I still don't know how I did, but better than when I hadn't FINISHED MY TEST! I felt like a complete idiot going in there to talk to her. Oh man, anyway the worst thing she said would happen is the two problems I did may not be worth as much as the ones on the actual test (you know, the ones I just chose not to complete) so when she converted the grades mine would only be worth maybe 90-95 or something. So that was may have given me my first coronary BUT it also taught me a valuable lesson. One I should have learned probably in 1st grade. Learn to count to 4 and always finish tests. I'll keep ya posted on the grade I get. Oh, and did I mention one of the questions she gave me was wayyy super easy and probably way unfair that I got that one and everyone else got really hard ones. ohhhh grad school...

ok love you. can we please all see each other soon? like, after Gina unthaws. I miss you all so much!! Also, Gina- I looked for the clip on the news website because I felt like that would just be a great thing to see...unfortunately, no such luck.

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