Thursday, October 29, 2009

Life in Denver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi loves! So I have been waiting to write this blog because if I had written it after the first week I got here, there would have been nothing to share because I sat around and watched Grey's Anatomy with Sarah. I also was kind of a Negative Nancy the first few weeks and my blog most definitely would have reflected that. Now that things are getting better and we have started to get out and do things in Denver, I have fun things to share, YAY! Ok so we have been here about four weeks already and suddenly we are celebrities....ok well maybe that's tooting my own horn a little too much, but yesterday Sarah and I were filmed by ABC 7 news! Here is the story...
It has been snowing here for two days straight and there is currently around 2 feet of snow, crazy I know. Well the school I work at has been canceled the last two days so yesterday Sarah and I met up with this girl we work with to play in the snow and make snowmen. There is this huge park like 10 minutes from our apartment called Wash Park and it is where, when the weather is nice, people go to run, walk, or just hang out. Well we decided to go there to play in the snow and the news people were there and stopped to talk to us. Keep in mind that we were in the middle of this crazy snow storm and the winds were gusting and it was snowing pretty hard. Just to give you a visual, for my 15 seconds of fame I was wearing snow pants, snow boots, like 5 layers of clothes, and my hat with my hood over it. So I pretty much looked like that kid from A Christmas Story without the glasses. Anyways they were asking us questions about the storm and why when everyone else was inside and staying off the roads, we were out? And my response was, well we just wanted to come play in the snow (as I was giggling), clearly I should not go into a career that I would ever be interviewed on TV.
Denver is very cool and the weather is crazy because right now we are having this storm and there is all this snow and it's supposed to be in the 60s this weekend so it will all be gone! I am working at a middle school five days a week and a fondue restaurant 3-4 nights a week, so I am definitely keeping busy. My school job ends when I leave for Australia because it's just temporary, and I am looking for another restaurant job because I really don't like it. All the people are super dramatic and competitive, which is stupid because we pool our tips and all make the same in the end. It is also really disorganized and I come home smelling like cheese and garlic from making the fondue. Sarah and I actually work at the same restaurant and she is a hostess. There are a couple of cool people who we have been hanging out with. It's nice to have people to go do stuff with and I am glad we are making friends, but it's just different and it makes me miss you all so much more :( I think that's all I've got for right now. Happy early Halloween and I hope that you all will post pictures of your costumes so I can see! Love you and miss you!

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