Saturday, November 7, 2009


So remember when Lindsay told us about how she needed lessons on how to put on lip gloss? Well this past week I discovered that I apparently need lessons on how to put on eye shadow. Here's what happened. Tuesday morning I was getting ready for class and since I was wearing a purple shirt that today I decided to be daring and try some light purple eye shadow I had instead of the usual tan/brown, I mean I have brown eyes, and I've always heard that purple looks good on brown eyes. Well it may be true that purple looks good on brown eyes, but in order for it to look good it need to be on your eyelids....NOT YOUR EYEBROWS where mine ended up somehow by the time I got to class. I guess that morning I forgot to turn on the good makeup light in my bathroom while I was applying my ever so risky look because when I got to campus, after putting my stuff down in my class (and may I add talking to a few people-EMBARRASSING!) I walked into the bathroom in CB only to discover that it looked like my eye makeup had been done by a clown/ child. I hope no one else was in the bathroom, because I literally said out loud "What the hell?!?!" and then started scrubbing the purple off from the top of my eyebrow. THANK GOD I WENT TO THE BATHROOM EARLY THAT DAY! haha Anyways, to give you a visual....this is what I left my house thinking my eyes looked like:

And this is what I saw when I looked in the mirror at Classroom building--except in a purple shade, not blue--which I kinda think makes it even worse ( and again may I add after talking to several people):


Anyways, Linds maybe we can go to makeup classes together lol I miss all of you very much and agree that we need to have a reunion soon! Fyi, I will be DONE with undergrad in 40 days!!!! yayyyyy!!!!!! And also, Christmas is in 48 days!! Get excited!! Love you guys so so so so so much :)

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