Friday, September 25, 2009

My Adventures as a Minority

Hello my looooooooooooves! So I have been wanting to blog for a while, but what can I say, my life is pretty boring now and I didn't really have anything to tell you all about or any good stories....enter the Faulker family. lol

So last weekend I made the drive to Louisville were I was informed by my wonderful boyfriend that we were going to be having a cookout with some of his family. Obviously I was very nervous for obvious reasons. #1. I'm white. #2. They're not. #3 Meeting the family is always nerveracking. But anways, since the very first time he came to Ashland he had to meet my Dad's sister and her whole family, including lisa's boys and then my family along with jenn's boyfriend and sara's husband--I agreed to this cookout. OH BOY.

I had already met his mom a few times because I had been to stay with him in Louisville a few times before this and she is like outta control, but really nice and we get along great so I wasn't nervous about her. But before the cookout, she wanted me and DC to run some errands with her so we agreed. Next thing I know we are driving down the streets of Louisiville and Tammy (DC's mom) decides to put in a new cd to ask if Dequante likes it. Every other word was the N word and Tammy was bumpin it down the road. I, by the way, was in the front seat with her. The little white girl, with my hands in my lap, not knowing what to do, but be as awkward as possible was just sitting there starin out the window watching all the other black people bumpin in their cars beside us. I was BY FAR THE MINORITY. Finally she looked at me and said--"I don't like it either" and turned it off. Then me, her, and DC started cracking up.

Anyways, later that night once the family comes over....we are all sitting in the living room talking and the new Whitney Huston cd had came out that day and Tammy really wanted it so DC got it for her while we were at Walmart and she had it playing. Well, one song goes off and the conversation for the moment kinda dies so the room is completely quiet and at this exact moment my mother decides to call me--for those of you who don't know my family rington is "Where I'm From" by Jason Michael Carroll. That's right, the song about Ford trucks and green tractors and it is playing extremly loud from my pocket. At first everyone just kind of looks at eachother and then his aunt looks at me and goes "Hmm, that's a different kinda music there, huh?" hahahahahaha I was mortified. It was really funny though! Anywayyyyyyyyyys, that is pretty much the high points of my weekend as a minority. The next day I got to see Linds and UK beat UL! YAYYY! And then DC took me to Cheesecake Factory :)

Last little thing I have to say is that Lindsay's last blog about missing you all....I feel the exact same way!! Lexington is NOT the same without us all there! I've always loved UK, but I've never liked it less, everything is just different without us all together and I'm glad that we are all going out and reaching our goals, but I just think we need to have another reunion soon because I am definately the happiest when I am with all of you! :) I hope all of you girls are doing good! I miss you all and love you all soooooo much :)

p.s. I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. you forgot the cousin part.
    2. I saw something like this's called Save The Last Dance
    3. You know you love that i just used this screenname to comment this.
