Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So Long Undergrad....

Hello my lovely ladies, as many of you know I offically became a UK alum recently and as I was leaving campus for the last time, a few things ran through my mind that I want to share with you all.

Up until last Thursday morning (on the drive to my last final) nothing had really hit me yet--but around 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning it all hit me at once. As I was driving past the Johnson Center I thought about all the flag football games, afternoon workouts, and evening walks taken with you all. As I drove past the dorms my mind went back to the day I moved in to Blanding Tower and met Linds. I was so nervous, but you made the transition from home to college so easy for me and quickly became one of my best friends. This utlimately led to my joining of Alpha Gamma Delta which is where I grew so close to all of you guys :)

As I sat at the stoplight near Virgina Ave. I thought of all the trips we had made together on that road. From Whitney and Lindsay and me dropping each other off for a final when we lived at the Commons, to me driving to the Page (crying my eyes out over a stupid boy) just to hear Jane Ann promise that it would all be alright, to late night DQ runs--all those times felt like they had just happened.

I know without a doubt that my 4 years at UK with you all (4 and 1/2 for Yane) are and will forever be 4 of the best years of my life. I came to UK hoping for a degree (and a national championship lol), but got so much more than that. Words can never fully explain just how much each of you have changed my life.

We have helped each other say goodbye to ex's and watched each other walk down the aisle after finally finding the right one. We've grieved with each other over deceased pets and played with each others new puppies like they were our own. We have helped each other study and ofcourse been more than happy to give each other a study break. We have watched Meredith and McDreamy break up and make up and had hour long conversations about them as if they were our real life BFF's. We've driven each other in snow storms, when one of us was too afraid to drive (Thanks again Gina for saving my life that night!), We have had countless dance parties, movie nights, politcal debates, and "family dinners." We have partied and prayed together, laughed and loved, cried and cheered. "For whatever was there to assail you, was there to assail me too."

You girls have been my strength when I was weak, wiped my tears when I couldn't dry my eyes myself, talked sense into me when I was being senseless, and inspired me to never give up. Anyways, these are the thoughts that were running through my mind on my last drive to UK and I just wanted you girls to know how much you are all loved! Hope all is well with each of you! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Loveeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)

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