Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good News! Awkward things happen here too.

Hello my dear friends!

Look at me! I finally made this little blog for us to love and gossip and share life stories and totally awkward moments because we all know we got 'em all. So here it goes... the first post... enjoy.

So I'm trying out the whole new school, new place thing and it's going really well so far. That is, of course, after the very first day. So orientation starts with all faculty and all students (1st-3rd years) going around the room introducing themselves with their name, old school, where they are from and an interesting/fun fact. Well let me just be the first to say I HATE nothing more than having to think of something fun about myself. I am not interesting, have no extreme talents or appropriate funny stories. So, as I sit there racking my brain for something good (hello...I need to make a good impression people!!!) I listen to everyone else's stories about scuba diving with sharks or going to Jefferson Community College to get their student ID for UofL or even how they have a phobia of drinking the last drink in the water bottle. I have nothing. So finally, they call my name to go, and I still am clueless what to say. Somehow "one time I was peeing on the side of the road and scrapped my face off" or "there was this time I was trying to bust a move at a date party and instead just busted it" or even "one time I got a concussion while wearing a toga on a, no I was sober" just didn't seem like what this group of people was looking for. I even considered lying by using one of your all's interesting facts/stories/whatev, but apparently you are boring too because the only thing I could come up with was "I'm moving to colorado" and "I got married this summer" which I think they all would have been suspicious about. So I stand up and say the whole spill of who I am and where I came from and then I stand for a minute and say "I really have nothing funny or interesting" and then the most annoying girl in the world (seriously, imagine someone you cannot stand and times it by a billion, that's this girl) says "IT'S OKAY GIRL-YOU'RE FROM WV...THAT'S GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!" (she's from there and caps=she really talks that loud) So anyway, I'm all like "ha...ha. Yeh, Oh I'm a huge Mountaineer fan and it was like a huge deal for my family that I came here" (FAIL) and then this one girl who thinks she's awesome because she got gastric bypass is like "ohhh girl, it's going to be a long 4 years for you!" and then annoying girl "WE CAN BE DISOWNED BY OUR FAMILIES TOGETHER!!!" I said "haha yeh"...and sat down. Wow, great first impression Linds. There were like crickets. I was so awkward and totally regret n
ot going with a story that involved me somehow being seriously injured. I mean, I'm funny right? How could I not think of anything. The best I had was to basically diss the school I'm going to.

So that was that and people still talked to me, so I wasn't like the weird girl with nothing to say. Ps-I still wasn't as awkward as the girl that literally stood up and said her name and then just stood there. Like didn't even say "I have nothing"...she literally just stood there for what may or may not have been the most awkward 30 seconds of my life.

Ok, so moving on with Monday of orientation week. That night, the three boys in my program, Whitney and I went to this place called the Beer Depot. It was like an advertisement for creepy people in Louisville but this one guy suggested it so off we went. Well again I'm trying to make a good impression because these are pretty cool guys. But, not like a "hey, date me" impression because one is married, one is dating someone, and one is Seth. Anyway, while we were there we played cornhole and just hung out for about two hours. Fun times, nothing awkward or unfortunate to report. Or so I thought...

(flashback to the car ride to Beer Depot)...Seth, whitney and I are on our way to the place, just chatting it up about the days events and I decide to put on some lip gloss. Why? I have no idea. I never just feel the need for lipgloss but today, I guess I was channeling Debbie and just went with it. So I put the only lipgloss in my purse on, which is Clinque Long Wear or something like that. Keep in mind, I am in the backseat and am using the rearview mirror as a guide.

(flashforward to coming home from creepy place) I walk in my bathroom to get ready for bed and such and look in the mirror and why do I look like Ella has put my lipgloss on me. Yes folks, it was everywhere. Like below my bottom lip and a little over my top lip on one side. Thanks Clinque Long Lasting lip gloss for making me look like a douche bag the whole night. But special thanks to Whitney who didn't tell me!!!! So now, not only am I the awkward girl with nothing to say, but I'm also the girl that apparently puts her makeup on like a child. When I asked Whitney why she didn't tell me, she said she hadn't noticed. So now, I regret to tell you that Whitney has gone blind. There is NO WAY you would not have noticed it..

Look I was going for....

look I achieved....

So that was just my first day...

But thankfully I was able to press on and have been far less awkward and much more cool since then. The first week of classes was a little overwhelming but good nonetheless. The people are fun and we all get along really well. I have more stories but I just wrote a short novel. So I hope your all's lives are going well and I miss you so much!
Anddddd now it's your turn...start your bloggin'...

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