Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royally Obsessed.

Ok, as much as I tried to fight it. I am now obsessed with the Royal Wedding.
Thursday I was all like: who cares, talk about something else, this isn't London. Hurry up and get married so people will talk about something else.

Friday after turning on my TV and seeing the end of the wedding I was all like: OMG! How can I meet Prince Harry and make this my life?? haha...but seriously, I have got to find a way to meet him. What. A. Babe. I don't even care that he's a total ginger and our kids would probably get sunburnt just thinking about the sun.

Anyway, back to the wedding. Can we just talk about how beautiful Kate Middleton is? I mean she is perfect for the Princess job. So elegant and classy. But even more importantly WHY DON'T WE WEAR AWESOME HATS IN AMERICA?? Oh my goodness. The hats. I was obsessed with the hats..well, most of them.
If I start showing up at weddings wearing crazy, but fabulous hats...don't be shocked. I think one of the reasons I love it so much is because of the tradition behind it. There is a wedding? Well, gotta go buy a hat. I love that. And it wasn't just the hats... the whole day was about tradition. And yes, I'm aware that every person that gets married over there doesn't go all out but it's the fact of the matter that they seemed like a big group of classy people. And even when they showed the crowds that had gathered one looked homeless or dirty or like they wanted to punch someone or like the country as a whole is going to be humiliated because that one person made it onto the tv! They had so much pride in their country and it was just really neat. Especially when all you hear lately on our tvs are "Republicans did this" "Well, democrats did this." which I annoying. I love America, really. But come on people, let's take a lead from the Brits and class this place up a little.

Another reason I loved this whole love story thing is because Kate Middleton is living out a Disney movie. I love a good love story and this is definitely one! Seriously, she was just a normal "commoner" and then the Prince comes and sweeps her off her feet...making her a real life princess! How awesome! I bet after the first time he asked her out she called her mom and was like "Mom, you are never going to believe who just asked me out!!" and her mom was probably like "ha. ha. real funny, like that would ever happen." But it did and her life is completely and totally different now.

Ok, I'm done with the Royal Wedding talk. Just wanted to share my love. If you didn't watch it or see anything about it, well I'm sorry to know you've been living under a rock. But go to and you'll basically get all the juicy details. If you did watch it, I hope you loved it as much as me! Now I leave you with, what I believe, is the most hilarious picture they probably had yesterday.

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