Friday, May 20, 2011

Update on Life in the Lou

Hello sweet girls! I figured I would take the free time on this Friday evening since I have no life. I'm just so busy and popular I have so many options on things to do tonight that I just decided I had to stay home because I couldn't decide. ;) So here goes that past month of my life in a little blogpost.

So the semester ended after what was a very tiring and miserable couple of months. I headed home on Tuesday after my last day of clinic and then left for the great ol' HHI on Thursday with TJ to meet Whitney and Clint. It was a good time! Friday was rainy until about 4:00 so we kind of drove around and went to a few stores and then headed for a walk on the beach. We cooked in for dinner both nights we were there to get in more cuddle time save money and it made it so relaxing! And the dinners were delish! Sidenote: TJ is quite the little cook. He whipped us up a wonderful breakfast on Friday morning and then manned the grill both nights. He stole my heart a little. Nothing like a man in the kitchen. Not sure why, but I was surprised he was so good.Anyway, Saturday we were able to go out to the beach. It was one of those tricky days when you think it is so nice and breezy then you get home and realize your skin has been baking all day. Don't even worry about it. I got fried! (I'm STILL peeling. ew) But nothing could compare to Clint. His legs and feet were so burnt he could barely keep shoes on. It seemed miserable.
And since I know you are chomping at the bit to was a really good weekend with TJ. One of the best parts I think was the drive down. We had so much fun and literally laughed the entire time! It was good to get to spend time together just the two of us. We had a great time with Whit and Clint too. It was good times all around and I think we really needed it. Because I've been going home so often lately, we've been kept to hang out at each of our parents' houses. Don't get me my parents but sometimes when you just want to hang out together and they don't get the gets old. So in short, the beach weekend was great. We had so much fun and I wish it could have lasted longer.

The Monday I came back from home and my summer (using that term as loosely as possible) break was miserable. I was feeling very sorry for myself, pitiful, like a loser sad. I have been so sad these past couple times coming back and couldn't put my finger on why. I mean before I left, the whole morning my stomach had that nervous, butterfly like feeling. When I was heading back drowning my sorrows in my Diet Mt. Dew, I realized that I have no real connections in Louisville. It is so different than UK! With the exception of Whitney, Amanda, and Erin I have no reason to be here besides to get an education. And I really don't even see Amanda and Erin because of our busy schedules. But the friendships like we had at UK are not here. I feel like I have no real connections here. The people in my classes are great (at least most of them), but the friendships I've formed here are pretty superficial. Aka we are only friends because none of us know anyone else. So I guess that got me thinking how much I miss you all being only a few blocks away at all times.

I also have really been missing my family lately. So many things happening. There obviously is something in the water at home because someone in my family has a baby just about every 9 months and it makes me so sad to not be home with those sweet, sweet babies!
Speaking of babies, Walker Paul Shamblin is finally here. And what. a. cutie. Mark my words, he is going to be a total heartbreaker. I got to go home last weekend and see him. It was killing me to not being able to leave right away! But once I got there I was able to spend lots of time with him. He's just so cuddley and sweet! And his hair. Oh my gosh! He has so much that it looks like it's actually been cut and styled like it is on purpose. I just love him so much. And he is all boy too! Sometimes you look at a baby and are like hmm boy or girl? But with little Walker, he's a total boy! The only bad thing about him is that he has the name of what would have been my first little boy. Darn him.

The semester is starting whether I like it or not. But thank goodness it won't be as bad as last semester or what next semester is supposedly supposed to be like. Actually a professor said today, "Honestly, it would take something like you keying my car to not get an A in this class." hahaha! Praise the Lord! I need an easy semester. But the scary/good/exciting/terrifying news is that this time next year I will be packing my bags and heading to God-knows-where to start my externship! Where will life take me? Stay tuned folks.

Ok so now I am probably going to bed at 11:00 on a Friday to go find some thing that 24 year olds do on Friday nights that is real wild and crazy and 24-like. Peace homes.

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