Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things I love Thursday

I'm a day late but who cares! My post is about to sound a lot like Amanda's! haha But that's ok...

I am loving my sweet neices too! And that I got to spend so much time with them over the weekend! Saturday was Landri's 2nd Birthday! Can't believe she's so already two!!! The girls had a blast playing the games Brooke had planned and then of course they were all looking A.DOR.A.BLE. on Easter Sunday at church! Here are some pictures from Easter. I love these sweet faces! Every time I see this picture of Emeri I am immediately in a good mood! This picture captures her to a T! And then there is Ella looking like a total big girl and then sweet sweet Evie who is smiling like this just about 24/7! Then there is me and LowLow who was obviously very excited to hear a train coming! haha I love this picture too! (ok, I'm done being an annoying aunt! )
I am loving that the acceptance letter finally came!! TJ will officially be starting PA school in the fall at Mountain State University. It's about an hour from home, a really good but really small school (pretty much the rival school of where Tori went) I'm so excited for him and so glad that weight is lifted. I think it was really wearing on him. He also takes the MCAT tomorrow so please be saying prayers for him! :)
I am loving that a week from today I will be hearing toward HHI and getting to see BRoberts (I'm aware that's not your last name anymore but Bmarlow doesn't sound good!) Woohoo. Can't wait! This song pretty much captures my feelings about the whole situation...

I am loving that I will be 5 semesters down with 3 more until I'm done with class and 3 more of externship after that. Writing it out makes it seem so much less exciting but I will not let it rain on my parade! The hard work is paying off! :)

I am loving the new show The Voice. For those of you that haven't watched should. Summary: Cee Lo, Adam Levina (Maroon 5 guy), Blake Shelton, and Christina Aguilera are coaches and they pick their team by listening to them sing...only listening...they have their backs turned so they can't see what the people look like since that could probably persuade votes. Anyway, they listen to them sing. Then whoever hits their button and turns around means they want them to be on their team. (if no one turns around you get kicked off) If more than one coach turns around then the contestant gets to pick the team they want to be on. Anyway, it's amazing! The coaches are hilarious fighting over the people. And Blake Shelton has some great one liners! And it shows their personal story at the beginning and their family backstage watching and of course it makes me cry because they are all so proud. Check it out next Tuesday night! :) Here's a preview of one of the best guys! I love this song and let's talk about how hot Adam Levine is.

ok, time to go be lazy or something!! LOVE YOU! :)

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