Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Today I don't have a lot of time so I'll keep it short and sweet! Hope you all are having a happy hump day and getting time to enjoy the amazinggggg weather. For those of us in the KY, don't get comfortable...tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s. Sick. But nonetheless, here is what I'm loving...

I am loving so so so so much that two of my favorite people are engaged...finally!!!!;) So happy for you guys!! I am also loving this old picture from our Nashville trip. I also love that this means, like it or not, before too long we will ALL be reunited (assuming Jane Ann likes us all enough to have us at her wedding haha!- please note this will be the first time since August of 2009 which is wayyy too long for me)!!! And I couldn't LOVE that anymore than I already do!
I am loving life. I feel like things are just really good in my life right now. From growing spiritually to things in my personal life, I have learned a lot about my self this year. I blogged back in the fall about thinking something *BIG* was about to happen. I obviously had no idea what it was at the time but now I feel like it was a lot of little things that happened that made a *BIG* impact!! Yes, school is still stressful and every day isn't rainbows and butterflies, but I feel like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. And I couldn't be happier!!
Can we all see each other soon? I would really be LOVING that!

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