Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh Girl. I am so loving Wednesday.

Good grief (that's "well shit" in first grade teacher language), it sure has been awhile. Why you ask? Well I have not loved Wednesday for awhile. Or Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday for the matter. I have however, hated KTIP. But you are in luck because I so love today.

I am loving UK BASKETBALL. Everything about. I so wish we were in Lex right now.
This totally gave me chills/ I may have teared up a little.

I am LOVING that next week is
My class needs a break as much as I need them to get outside recess again. That. is. a lot. I have a whole lot of plans with this, finally:

Oh that reminds me, I am LOVING that I am ENGAGED. We have even gone to some more open houses! I haven't done a whole lot of planning anything yet but I will keep you informed!
I am L.O.V.I.N.G that I will be finished with KTIP stuff this weekend! F you KTIP creator.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My first actual Wednesday post!!!!

Hi Loves! So I am loving that it's Wednesday and for the first time I can actually post! This is probably because of my very carefree attitude at the moment and the last few days. So I am on spring break and it really wasn't supposed to feel like a break because I am midterms after break (silly, really who does that?) Anyways I worked last weekend and I work this weekend, but I have had the last two days off and I was supposed to be studying (Hahahaha), but instead I have been piddling around. For example today I went to pilates then test road a bunch of bike for 2 hours. I have also been to the grocery store twice in 2 days just because I felt like I needed every vegetable in the store to make the perfect salad. I have just been sailing through life the past two days and although I have gotten some important things done, taxes and signing up for the MCAT, I have just been enjoying myself. And yes this is what a break is supposed to be for, but I really really need to be studying. Clearly I need more time to myself, but what else is new! Okay now to the facebook message that I am LOVING today! Wedding plans YAAAAAAAAAAY! Oh my gosh I am jumping out of my sneakers I am so excited! I just want to say another congratulations and I absolutely cannot wait for a bachelorette party so all of us can be together again! It's just not fair when all of you all get to hang out and I don't get to see you :( I really can't believe it's been almost a year since I was there and almost 2 years in August since I've seen Amanda it's CRAZY! I love you all and miss you terribly and hopefully next Wednesday I will feel as carefree as today and will post again!


Today I don't have a lot of time so I'll keep it short and sweet! Hope you all are having a happy hump day and getting time to enjoy the amazinggggg weather. For those of us in the KY, don't get comfortable...tomorrow is supposed to be in the 40s. Sick. But nonetheless, here is what I'm loving...

I am loving so so so so much that two of my favorite people are engaged...finally!!!!;) So happy for you guys!! I am also loving this old picture from our Nashville trip. I also love that this means, like it or not, before too long we will ALL be reunited (assuming Jane Ann likes us all enough to have us at her wedding haha!- please note this will be the first time since August of 2009 which is wayyy too long for me)!!! And I couldn't LOVE that anymore than I already do!
I am loving life. I feel like things are just really good in my life right now. From growing spiritually to things in my personal life, I have learned a lot about my self this year. I blogged back in the fall about thinking something *BIG* was about to happen. I obviously had no idea what it was at the time but now I feel like it was a lot of little things that happened that made a *BIG* impact!! Yes, school is still stressful and every day isn't rainbows and butterflies, but I feel like this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. And I couldn't be happier!!
Can we all see each other soon? I would really be LOVING that!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lots of Love

Welcome friends. It's...

I am loving that it's almost spring which means SPRING DRESSES!!! WOOTWOOT! Dresses and sandals and pure happiness!!!
I'm loving that next week is spring break!! WOOTWOOT! I will be done Friday afternoon and on my way back to WV! Not going anywhere exciting but so excited to be home for awhile!

I'm loving that while on Spring Break I will get to hang out with my mom!! I miss her so much. Last time I was home she was out of town so I really haven't gotten to see her much since I came back from Christmas. So excited for some Mom and Daughter time!

I'm loving that I got to sleep in this morning!! Could still be sleeping but I have a dog with a small bladder.
I'm loving you all of course too!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


My sole purpose in blogging right now is to tell Gina she is RUDE. Next time I see you I'm not even bringing my phone. And in the words of the profound Gretchen Weiners (think Mean Girls/ her dad created the toaster strudel) "I'm sorry that people are jealous of me but I can't help it that I'm so... Popular!!" :) haha kidding.

Also, just thinking about you all and missing you terribly. The past few weeks in school have been hell. Really, no other way to put it. So I could really use: a Sonic run to get a Cherry Limeaid/ a mom walk/a roommate hall talk/ a night of google earthing people's houses/a One Tree Hill. The OC. Grey's marathon/ whatever other thing we did to avoid the reality that is school. Because all those things are fun and is not. So instead of those fun things I'll take a prozac and get back to work.

Lastly, a joke that I thought was real funny.
Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something. The first woman had nothing to wipe with so she took off her panties, used them and threw them away. Her friend however was wearing an expensive underwear set and didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky enough to salvage a large ribbon from a wreath that was on a grave and proceeded to wipe herself with it. After finishing, they made their way home.

The next day the first woman's husband phones the other husband and said, "These damn girls nights out have got to stop. My wife came home last night without her panties." "That's nothing," said the other. "Mine came back with a sympathy card stuck between the cheeks of her butt that said, 'From all of us at the Fire Station, Well never forget you!'

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What I am LOVING right now!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh I am officially obsessed with my new phone! I mean who knew a smart phone could be so much fun! So I got the new HTC phone from AT&T the other night because my old phone was a POS and I would never have service and basically it had seen its better days. It is freaking amazing and I have been on it nonstop, so anytime I gave any of you a hard time for being on your phone (aka Lindsay) I'm sorry because this thing is the best thing since the iPod came out! Here are just a few of the things I love about it:
1. Pandora- I have been listening to all Darius all the time!
2. The flashlight on the back, A-MAZING! I mean if anyone comes after me I can just flash that baby in there eyes and I they're done
3. Words with Friends. Enough said.
4.The internet that I can now surf whenever I want!
5. Books. Yes that's right I can read books on it!

Okay so I know that the iPhone does many of these things and more but I am just experiencing all of this for the first time and I'm freaking out a little! Who knew a little device could do so much? Well clearly I've been missing out and I am not ashamed to say that I am addicted to my cell phone!
I am also loving this beautiful Colorado weather! It has been in the mid 60s all week and last week was pretty much the same. I haven't been able to enjoy it because for those of you I haven't told I broke my toe my last day in Israel and haven't really been able to do any physical activity since. And no, it's not a cool story like I got stepped on by a camel, but instead it is a typical Gina story...I tripped over my suitcase while packing and broke it. Anyways I have been sitting around and eating for the past 3 weeks because if I can't workout then naturally eating seems like the better option. But now my poor little toe is finally healed and I have been able to run outside which has been wonderful, but unfortunately the eating hasn't stopped haha but at least now I am doing something to cancel it out!
I know that I still haven't posted about my Israel trip and I am sorry about that. Here is a short overview....

I can't even put into words how amazing the trip was. I will admit that going into it I was a little skeptical because I was afraid I wouldn't make any friends. Not only did I make some amazing friends, but I never expected to feel so connected to Israel and Judaism. We started in the north of Israel by the Sea of Galilee and ended in Tel Aviv. I learned so much about the situation in the Middle East and just about the history of Israel in general. Unfortunately I did not find my Jewish husband, but there was a make out session the last night on the beach so that was a good way to end the trip haha( ps. I am totally blushing right now). I actually felt so connected to Israel that there is a strong possibility I might move there for 5 months next year! Crazy I know, but why not? I will post pictures at some point but you all know how I am with posting pictures so they probably will not go up for a while haha. Love you and miss you all terribly!