Sunday, April 25, 2010

Zack Attack said it best...

AWKWARD MOMENT ALERT: So before I get to the real post, I have an awkward moment to share with you. Last night we had Bar Golf Pub Crawl and I decided I would drive Seth instead of play. So everyone is shat-faced wasted and I’m like just beboppin’ around in my argyle socks totally sober. Well one of the older guys, Mahaffey, is telling me to get with this guy they call “Creepy Dave”…What. In. the. World. Who would want to “get with” someone that is described as creepy. (the guy telling me this said he didn’t know that they called him that –Creepy Dave is a friend of someone in the program not actually in). Anyway, so he is telling this to me and Seth (who is way wasty-face) and when I say no to creepy dave he goes “Wait! Why don’t you two date!?” (puts his hands up so we have to stop walking) and goes “Now, that is just too cute!” I wanted to die. I’m like umm I don’t think so. And seth’s like naw man, we go way back. And they guys like “So! Me and Katherine (his wife) were best friends for a year and a half before we dated!!!” and me and seth are both so awkward we have no idea what to say and then he goes “Wait, oh, did I just make things awkward, well sorry!” then starts walking away from us and me and Seth are just standing there like oh my gosh, what do we say now. Hahaha What if I would have said “Heck no! He drove me insane when we spent only a week together, how could I date him!” Anyway, I don’t know if any of you have ever been in that situation but it reached a whole new level of awkward.

The real post:

Ok, so as I start to study for my finals and finish out my first year of grad school, I can't help but be in disbelief that we have already been out of school and away from each other for a whole year. It seems like just last week. Wow, how the time has flown. I was already thinking about this when it was like TBS was reading my mind and they played one of the greatest episodes of Saved By The Bell ever the other morning (side note: what a great show, what horrible acting, what AMAZING outfits/hair). It was the one where they sing as Zack Attack and for some reason Jessie isn't there and no one cares because she is stupid but they have this world-wind of fame and then fight and then become best friends again because it’s silly to let fame come between them. Anyway, it's funny since they apparently are good at everything. For example: they are on every sports team, in every activist group, on every club, and still have time to tour the country in a rock-n-roll THAT is livin' the dream. Anyway...back to the point. As they were singing the Grammy-worthy "Friends Forever," I was thinking about how their friendship reminded me of our friendship and how Mom Retha was like our own Mr. Bellding. I mean think about all the times we hung out at the Max, or how we always got so excited for all 800 proms we went to, or how one of us could call “Timeout” and freeze everything so we could make a quick solution, or how about the time one of us got addicted to those prescription meds when we were in that all girl singing group…I mean those were some great times!!!….ok, so maybe those aren’t the same memories we all had but those are my favorite episodes/moments so deal with it. One thing we did have in common though is their fears about graduation. I mean just 12 months ago we were thinking like this....

Sure change every “high school” to college and every “Bayside” to UK and you have a regular old song about us! How in the world were we going to say goodbye to our friends that we had spent the last four years with? I know I was a little confused how I would replace roommate talks with Britney with roommate talks with Manny (he gives terrible advice)? And how was I supposed to just walk over to Gina, Jane Ann, and Amanda’s when they were living hours away. (Don’t get me wrong, I like to exercise but that’s a little excessive). I mean, I was all for the idea of moving in to Aylesford with everyone and becoming old maids together but apparently that was a bad idea. So we all went our separate ways but our friendship has so far proven the test of time. Like the song says “but years from now no matter where we've traveled, we'll all look back and think about our friends”…uhh hello…that’s us!!! There isn’t a time that I think about my experiences at UK that I don’t think about one of y’all. We had the best times, even when we were doing nothing. I think it is so awesome that we have all stayed in touch. Even if we haven’t talked for a couple months, weeks, or days, we can just pick right back up where we left off. Because that’s how best friends are! Unfortunately, it wasn’t like Saved By The Bell where we all mysteriously ended up at the same place and don’t know about it until we are all in the same dorm room (weird how they didn’t know they were all going to the same college). Anyway, we actually did have to say goodbye but it’s totally fine because even though I would love to have you here with me at ALL times, I know you are just a phone call away ready to listen, give advice, or just laugh with. So because of that, we will be friends forever…and hopefully, like Zack Attack, not even becoming giant celebrities would tear that apart. So here it is…enjoy. I included the lyrics because I didn’t actually know what the verses were saying but turns out it’s a pretty good song! Haha (I highlighted my fav lines)

We met some time ago, when we were so young. we've been through thick and thin, We've lost, we've tied, we've won.

Friends forever, With you everywhere. Friends forever, Always will be friends.

If you're down, I'll pick you up, I'll never let you fall. If you ever need someone,I'm waiting for your call.

We'll be friends forever, We'll be friends, Talkin' 'bout friends.. Always will be there, Will be there. Will be there.

Through it all, hangin' tough,We'll stay side by side. We'll be friends forever, Til' the end of time.

Friends forever,We'll be friends, Talkin' 'bout friends.Always will be there,Yeah, yeah friends. Always be friends. We'll be friends together. Yes we will, Yes we will, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oohhhh.

Oh, also, I did not video tape this...I found it like this...just to clarify that I'm not that big of a d-bag.. Love you all so so so so so so much. Can’t wait to see you next week and Britney I wish you could be here so bad! We will miss you and be thinking about you, getting ready to ace those finals!!! So before you get back to your busy lives, take a Zack Morris style Timeout and reminisce about our wonderful times together, it will bring smiles to your face (hopefully)!!! J

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