Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wow, it's been awhile...

Ok, so clearly we've all been super busy with lives because this blog is getting neglected. So as I sit and procrastinate, per usual, I figured I'd show it some lovin'. Only problem, I have nothing to write about. Some ol' cycle...Sleep, school, study. Oh there was a small case of identity fraud I've had to deal with. Yep, someone wanted to be me. I know, you are probably asking yourself, "Who wouldn't want to be you?" and to that I say "Good point!" (haha kidding) But seriously, someone done went on a spending spree at a California Wal-mart with my card. I have two things to say about that:
1. I mean if you are going to use someone's card information at least do something cool. Don't get me wrong, I like Wal-mart as much as the next guy, but I mean if you are just going to spend whatever you least go to Target.
2. Why would someone try to break into my bank account? I mean, I know that babysitting job I got going on the side looks extravagant but I assure you, Mr. are simply wasting your time. haha

Anyway, it was a huge mess and turns out like 10 people in my whole 25 people program got their information stolen to. We traced it back to the only place we'd all been together and I called. They said they already knew...the Secret Service had informed them. WOW. That's big time stuff. Anyway, someone had hacked in to their account and stolen everyone's numbers. I say all this to say, it was the bar we went to when Gina and Jane Ann were in town. So keep checking your statements because it's fixed now but if they already have your card numbers I'm assuming they can use them?! I don't know, I'm no expert but I do know that the fact that they had to send my new debit card to my permanent address first before my mom could mail it to super annoying.

So moving on, I figured since I couldn't think of anything really good to write I would post things that make you happy. (and if they don't make you happy, well they make me happy so get over it :) )

Play this song while you watch the thing below it...makes it so much better and will def. make you HAPPIER!!! :) (don't actually watch this Glee video..just didn't know how to put a song in)
Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

I had tears running down my face for the following...

Ok, I know that was just wrong but HILARIOUS! And, anyway there is another video that shows that he actually made it so it's fine!

hahaha!!! Hilarious! And I don't even like cats but this is funny...

Haha, well that was fun.

Ok, now you all get to blogging. I clearly have nothing to say but need to procrastinate. Miss you lots! Hope those made you as happy as they made me (especially of the one of Kuhlmann). Now, I'm going to go completely ruin the mood by studying. Hasta la vista.

1 comment:

  1. So that was officially the best blog ever, haha just loved it! Also totally crazy that you got your identity stolen because Sarah just found out some dude had been using her card in Vegas, wonder if it was from the same night? Crazy crazy! Thanks for making me laugh! Love you girlies!
