Sunday, April 4, 2010

I really pulled it off!!!!!!!!!!!

So the time is now 2:15 am and I can't sleep so I thought what better to do than write on the blog! As you know April 1st was on Thursday and I can't say that I have ever been one for pranking on April Fools. I mean I probably tried some lame prank on my brother growing up, but I'm sure it didn't work because 1) I am not very sneaky and 2) I can't lie. But Thursday night Sarah and I pulled off the ultimate prank!
We were sitting around our apartment and looking up pranks online and trying to think of who we could prank. Well there were no good pranks and we couldn't think of anyone to prank so we kind of gave up. Later that night we came up with the idea that we should post it someone's car, but who's? Sarah had a bunch of post its left over from her prank last year and we decided to add an extra special touch by going to the store and buying maxi pads! We drove to the garage where we park for work and proceeded to post-it and maxi pad our bosses car. I am not even kidding I felt like I was about to pee my pants for the entire hour while we were covering her car! We didn't want to just leave and not see her reaction so we hid out in Sarah's car and watcher for her. We were sitting in the car for about 45 minutes and it was awesome because all these people were walking past the car and taking pictures and saying, "Thank god that's not my car!". So then our boss walks out the door and sees her car and there were two guys standing and taking pictures of it. She spent about 20 minutes taking pictures and removing the post-its and maxi pads one by one. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen, especially because we were hiding in a car that was parked two rows back and she didn't see us!
Friday at work she was walking around and asking everyone there where abouts on Thursday night and asking, "Have you purchased any post-it notes lately?" I wasn't working, but Sarah said that she was doing everything in her power to figure out who did it. She even bribed the security guard with free dinner if she could find the footage of who it was. Well since we all know that I have a horrible poker face I was terrified to go to work tonight because I knew I was the only one she hadn't asked. So sure enough I walk in and she says, "Gina, we need to talk." She did her little investigation and I successfully lied and said, " You really think I have the balls to pull that off, really? Do you know me?" To which she responded, "Yah who am I kidding you could never pull that off!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA amazing she still has no idea and will probably never find out! SOOOOOOOOOO great! Also I have awesome pics, but since I am technologically challenged I can't figure out how to get them off my phone and onto my computer so I will just have to show you when I'm in town! I hope all of you have a wonderful Easter with your families! Love you all and can't wait to see you soon!

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