Saturday, July 16, 2011

Please don't make me a project.

Heyo friends! It's been a while! I have missed this little blog but I have been oh so lazy busy lately. But let me start this post with a reminder of the MOST exciting thing that will happen all summer...

WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO! I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait. So very excited!!!

ok, sorry I got a little excited there for a sec. I'm back to controlling my emotions again.
So just a quick update on my life... basically I have been spending my summer doing projects for school and at the same time, becoming everyone else's project. So ever since things went south with that other guy, my family has been foaming at the mouth with ideas of who to set me up with. Let's just go down the list:
First, Ashley made a blog post about me on her blog and posted it to some other blog. Yes, she asked before she did it, but I don't think I realized what it was exactly before I agreed. It may as well have been an add for a date with me. EMBARRASSING! Anyway, her and these other girls that had put their brothers on there emailed back and forth about me and the previously mentioned brothers talking and emailing. I've heard nothing from any of it and that is perfectly fine. It was great for a confidence boost from the comments people left but I am not to that online dating stage. Works for some...but it's not for me.
Next, you have Gene. Yes, even the big guy is playing cupid. The man that owns the auction my dad goes to on Friday has a son our age and he and my dad are doing some major scheming! The guy found me on facebook and we messaged for about two weeks but then we ran out of small talk. So it just kinda fizzled out awkwardly. He lives up by Morgantown anyway. Which is way far from Louisville. But again, it was nice to talk to him a little.
Then comes Ryan, Brooke, and Erika... who all teamed up. They are all on this big Andrew kick. Yes, my friend...since 7th grade, Andrew. I really wish they would move on from it but they won't. Well, it's really just Ryan now. Brooke and Erika calmed down. My mom and Ashley were on the bandwagon too but backed off since the original discussion. I mean don't get me wrong, Andrew is a babe but I just don't look at him like that. I keep saying that and Ryan's argument is "Have you kissed him?" and my response is obviously no and his is "well then you don't know..just kiss him and see what happens" ha I don't think I'll be taking this advice. He says that boys are not friends with girls because they want to be just friends and then he always references the movie When Harry Met Sally. I've seen it... and sorry but I don't think that's the same...
Now Deb... except she didn't really do anything but one of her BFF's did. Can you still have BFF's in your 50s? Idk- but anyway... her friend met this guy at a wedding, gave him my number, he lives in Virginia, she told him I was moving to VA because I mentioned once that I was looking at an externship there, he called me, said he heard I was moving to VA and when I said I actually wasn't...things got awkward. It was the longest 12 minute conversation I have ever had. Awkward silences were taking over. I wanted to die. I felt like we talked for 12 hours instead of 12 minutes. I finally ended it by saying I had to work on some stuff for school (lie) and he said okay and to call him if I moved down there. Okay dude, it'll be about a year but I'll keep ya in mind. Even though the place I am lookin at is still 2 hours from where he lives haha! ohhh life.
My cousin Kathy is hell bent on throwing my name out to this guy that works at a jewelry store that she goes to. So awkward. He is like BFF with that guy that goes by his initials' cousin. And if he acts anything like him (womanizing and drunk 87% of the time), I am going to go ahead and take a running head start in the other direction.
And now back to Ashley, ok I know she means well but come on. She knows I want a good, Jesus loving guy with ambition. So she tells me to look at Blake's boss' son because Blake showed him my picture and he wants to take me out next time I'm home. This is the first picture I see....
(Blacked out the eyes because you never know who will find this here blog! haha) Anyway, is she serious? The rest of his profile pictures look like this... and that they would fit perfectly into one of Glenn and Jessica's albums. Literally a beer can and glazed over eyes in almost every picture. I also know some of the guys that he is in the pictures with. Real quality guys.... and by quality I mean they can probably win you a beer pong game, find any bar in Charleston with a blindfold on, and introduce you to at least 20 girls they've slept with. In his activities it says Anheuser Busch. Seriously Ashley? Do you know me at all?

I am not trying to judge any of these guys by their covers but sometimes it's hard. The whole guilty by association thing is definitely playing a role. Also while I'm typing this my friend Erin sent me a text and said she just met the man of my dreams. Seriously, I know every one means well but I don't want to be a project. I feel like it's everyones mission to find me someone. Again, I say... 24 does not make an old maid!!! My eggs aren't dried up and I haven't bought 10 cats yet. Sure, dating around would be great but 1. if they live 4 hours away that makes it hard and 2. lets at least try to find people that are like me. I may start wearing a shirt around that says I am not a Science Project. Everyone is trying to force it but me...and that my friends, is annoying.

ok enough of that...
So, I am about to have a wildddd couple weeks. My life is about to get reall busy, which is ironic since I am currently writing on a blog at 12:36 on a Saturday night. Don't be jealous. Anyway here is a brief synopsis (I'm not sure if I used that word correctly):

Thursday I leave for a cruise! WOOHOO! Long story short, my cousin won 4 spots on a cruise for her work. One of the woman that was supposed to go with my 2 cousins and my mom can't go anymore and they asked me to fill in! I don't have class Friday or Monday so just had to get out of clinic on Thursday. Made a few changes to my schedule and wa-la! I'm cruise bound! SO EXCITED! It will be a nice break from reality!
I'll get back on Monday and my friend Kristi (she used to be in my program) will be here Tuesday through Friday. My other friend Erin (also was in the program--- I swear it's not that bad I just chose to hang out with the people who never really wanted to be Audiologists) started working in the same chain of nursing homes that Kristi works...actually doing the same job. Kristi gets to come to town to train Erin and that means I get to play! !
Then once she leaves YOU ALL START ARRIVING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ok, shew, calm down. We are going to have a blast! To quote Britney, from Drink Off circa 2008 "You're going to have fun, and you're going to have fun, and you're going to have fun!" ha! But seriously, Amanda and I have been working hard and I think y'all will like the fun things we have planned. If you want to know what they are...just ask. Unless your name is Jane Ann...then you will just have to wait and see!! ;) I really just can't describe the amount of happiness this is going to bring to my life.
After everyone leaves i'll head home for a few days, the I have 2 weekends full of weddings in Cincy. I need a date to one of them so if anyone knows of any hot, single bachelors that would like to join me at a wedding where neither of us really know anyone... send them my way (I'm aware this totally contradicts the beginning of my post :])

ok, time for bed! (sorry that was sooo long) Night friends. Miss you. I'll be seeing you SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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