Sunday, August 29, 2010


Hello my lovely ladies,

So as per request from Lindsay and because I'm bored I've decided to updated my favorite girls on my life (although most of you probably already know everything I'm getting ready to say.) I'm offically a Louisville resident and so far it hasn't been a fairy tale by any means. I get lost a lot, I am alone a lot, me and D.C. annoy each other a lot, and I miss my family and friends back home A LOT. I'm hoping once I make some more friends here, and get a job (which seems to be impossible since I've contacted like 10 places and no one will get back to me) it will get better. HOPEFULLY. My classes are just so-so right now, but I do have a funny story about one of them. The other day a girl raised her hand in my Abnormal Psych class....there's about 100 people in there.....the largest class I have.....and she asked what the difference was between having your period and a psychological disorder, because she said all girls were crazy during that time of the month! lol hahahahha Seriously?!?! I must be an advanced student because I immediately knew the answer to that lol

On yet another sad note, (I know I'm Debbie Downer) my grandpa aka my Ghiddy hasn't been doing well at all and the doctor and hospice nurses have told us that it's only going to be a matter of time :( Needless to say I'm not dealing well with this since I've been super close to him all my life. However, the other day I was up at his house and I kept giving him bagel chips and he kept waiting til I wasn't watching then putting them in his cup of water! haha We have to laugh about it or we'll cry....atleast he still makes up smile :) If you all would put him and my grandma in your prayers I'd really appreciate it.

I thought I'd end with a happy bit of information. Chloe (my adorable 4 month old niece) just had her first set of pictures taken and they are beyond adorable!! Sara hasn't got them back yet, but I've seen them online. When I get mine I will post them so you can see her and smile too!

Anyways, I miss all of you VERY VERY much and I very much could use a girls weekend right about now so whenever we all have a free weekend lets all get together because I NEED YOU GIRLS SO BAD! Things were so different when I was in Lexington and had you all around to help me talk through and work through all my problems. You all are wonderful! I hope everything is going well with all of you and I can't wait to see you girls! LOVE YOU!

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