Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'd rather be dancing for 24 straight hours!!

Hiii friends! I think the blog is feeling pretttty neglected so I decided to change that. First, hilarious story Britney. Ok, now to business. I am having a feel sorry for me (and you all) kind of day. As we all know, it's DanceBlue weekend. Which means, one year ago we were there and our feet were hurting and we were miserable and we smelled and we were laughing at everything because we were a little bit crazy and I found out I got into UofL and we watched the Cats lose (again) while doing handstands to relieve the pressure from our feet and we cried like idiots when those precious kids were up there and Gina cheated and rested on her knees during a picture (haha) and then we swore that we would NEVER do that again even though it was a great experience "once was enough." Well I would like to be the first to say...I take that all back. I would go and stand for 48 hours right now to be able to do it again. I mean think about how much fun we had. I don't know about you, but I haven't done Jazzercise at 3 am since then, and I think I could use some of that in my life. I mean even if it was by the one lady whose pants were a little too tight in certain...ummm...areas. I've been reading everyone's status' and it seems like it's pretty huge this year. I am pretty sure I read somewhere that they had already made over $1,000,000 before it even started. So great and so proud to say that I was a part of it once!! I guess I am just really stressed out (got a D on a test [ouch] but so did everyone else so we have to retake it and read a whole book by Thursday) and I think the idea of not having to do anything but stand with my BFFs for a whole day seems like awesome times for everyone. Anyway, so I thought I'd share all these things with you all because it kinda made me happy and sad but really brought back great memories!!! I'll start with the DB video for this year (get your tissues ready!!)...

Ok and now here are some of our great memories from the 24 hours!!

Ready for a great 24 hours!!

Having some fun during 80's Prom Hour...

If I remember correctly this is with about 10 hours left...

And now we are hurting...bad...

But all for Kennedy!! So worth it!!! (and proof Gina didn't make it the whole time ;])


And now for the real kicker...the Line Dance... I think I still hear it in my sleep! I don't think I really understood what a great thing it was that we were doing! But it kinda just hit me. It may have seemed like just a small thing, but it was huge to those kids and their families! Love you all :)

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