Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sister-in-Law....ohhhh how I love you

I am soooo excited to be blogging for the very first time!!!
So if your thinking that this must mean something exciting/embarrassing/wonderful/terrifying happened to me are absolutely right! Well mostly just embarrassing....let me explain!!!
Sooooo....I had been studying all day (PT school has completely consumed my life) while Byron had gone to the UK game with his family and back to his parents house for dinner. I had really started to get bored and "lonely"...being at home by myself all day!! So I started texting Byron...........

Britney: "what time do you think you will be home?"
Byron: "I don't know, when will you be done studying?"
Britney: "I will quit studying whenever you get home, but I am going to try to go to bed by 11 so I can get up in the morning and study. I would like for you to be home before I am asleep ;)
Byron: "Ok babe... I will try to be there before then ;)
Britney: "You won't regret it if you come home before then ;) ;)

Apparently, after Byron sent the "ok babe" message.....he let Rachael (his sister) use his phone, because he thought we were done texting. Sooooo, Rachael read my "you wont regret it if you come home before then ;)" Then she proceded to read the message out loud to Byron's entire family, including his parents, his aunt and uncle, and multiple cousins.....then sent me this text from Byron's phone......

Byron: "FYI, this is Rachael, I was using Byron's phone and just got your message...I read it to the family and everyone laughed loudly. Byrons face turned bright red!! haha we love you

Well, as Gina would say....I was MORTIFIED!!! And poor Byron.....I can't imagine how he felt haha Needless to say, he no longer had a reason to come home early because the mood was completely ruined hahaha
So the moral of this story, Sister-in-laws are wonderful!! oh and husbands are stupid for letting people borrow their phone in the middle of conversations haha

I hope everyone is doing great!! I miss you all soooo much!!

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