Saturday, September 11, 2010

I should have played the lottery...

Yesterday, I could have won the lottery. Actually...I am almost 100% sure I WOULD have won if I'd bought a ticket. Why you ask? Well, because yesterday was the only day in my whole life when it seemed like whatever I said/thought...happened!! I felt like I was on Aladdin or something. My wish was a bunch of random strangers' command! Friday started out as a normal morning. Woke up semi-late (who's shocked?) went to clinic. Did the whole ear thing, went to the store, and came home. I was planning on taking a nap and then hopefully getting someone to watch the WVU/Marshall game with me that night. Well that all changed around 1:30. I am walking into my house and Whitney calls me and is freaking out asking me what I'm doing that night? I told her my wild and crazy plans of napping and football and she replied with "No, you're not! how would you like a ticket to George Strait/Reba concert in Lexington for free!?!?!" Well after I peed my pants a little I am like What in the world? how did this happen?? Especially for free!! Well she then explains how her friend Beth knows someone that has 5 extra tickets to the concert and doesn't want any money for them. He just wants to get rid of them. Well that's where we come in! She asked Whitney to go and if Whit had anyone else that could go. Well she thought of me (I knew I was friends with her for a reason! haha) and said it would be perfect because we could ride together and all that jazz. So after I am like "uhh, yes who are the mountaineers?! take me to Reba!!!" she calls Beth back and we are supposed to get the rest of the information in a little bit. Well the whole time I'm waiting to hear back I'm thinking there is no possible way this is going to happen....especially for no money. Why would the guy not try to sell the tickets or at least give them to people he actually knows! Well about 40 minutes later Whitney calls me and tells me to be ready at 5 because we are heading to Lex! Whitney is supposed to meet the guy early in Louisville (he works there) and get the tickets since Beth and the crew coming with her will be late. I am like beyond excited. George Strait is a total babe and Reba...uhh duh she's Reba! They are like only the most amazing country singers ever. So around 5 we head off to Lexington jamming to Reba and George the entire way. Which only makes us more excited because we apparently have forgotten that they both have like 5000 popular/amazing songs.
We get to Lexington and we get a spot right out front of Rupp...and don't have to pay. Which is just another great addition to our day. We make our way inside and keep joking that the tickets are going to end up being fake or something. Well, good news, they weren't! We got right in and made our way to our seats. Section 230. They had the very top rows blocked off but we were pretty much in the last row that they were sitting people. But 1. who cares because we were there 2. the tickets were $Free.99 and 3. GEORGE AND REBA! So we are sitting there waiting on LeAnn Womack to open and just wasting time listen to the radio show hosts, J.D. and some girl don't know her name (you'll understand why I know his in a second) on the stage talking about some contest they are starting Monday. We are seriously the only people within three rows and we make the statement more than once about how we wish we were sitting on the empty seats on the floor or how cool it would be to win tickets down there. So LeAnn starts singing about how she's going to hate herself in the morning and hoping we dance and all that when this man come up to me and Whitney and says "scoot over let me sit down" and wedges himself between us. My first thought it "Ewww, you old creepy man. Get away" But before I could express that we start this conversation:

"So what's you alls names"- guy I think is a creep
We tell him.
"Oh, I'm JD."my thoughts go to uhhh wait wasn't the radio guy's name JD is something awesome about to happen?!?
so I blurt out "No, you're not!"
he's like "Yep, so wow, these seats really suck don't they? I bet you wish you were down there" (and he points to the floor seats)
again I blurt out "ARE YOU ABOUT TO GIVE US TICKETS!!!"
"Nah, why would I do that?"
Whitney replies "THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE!?!" (hahaha!!)
"I mean I just have these (pulls tickets out of his shirt pocket) but you would have to
walk alllllll the way down there. Why would you want to do that? You'd have to be so close and I mean why would you want these tickets"
"Here you go girls. Have fun. We wanted to find the person with the worst seats. (told you they were horrible) I saw some people over there with 4 people but didn't want to split them up (thank you Whitney's friends for not being there yet) so it looks like you all are the winners. Enjoy the show!"
He hands whitney the tickets and seriously just disappears basically. Well we are FREAKING
OUT! We jump up and pretty much run to our new and improved, FRONT ROW SEATS!!!!!!!!!!! We sit down and are like loving life. But then I think we probably should give the tickets to Beth since she got us the tickets. But Whitney says it's fine since someone gave her the tickets and I'm like well ok you talked me into staying down here. So we enjoy the last couple minutes of Leann and pinch ourselves to see if it's real life. Seriously, I was looking around for Ashton Kutcher to pop out and tell us we were Punk'd.

Then during intermission before the Reba we become BFF with the bouncer, Pat, and he gives us all the inside info about the concert. Like he knew down to the minute what was going to happen. haha weird. Anyway, then Reba comes on and sings about lossing man, after man, and I am like soaking in the glory of it all.

Then LeAnn Womack came back out and her and Reba sang Does he Love you? Which is like my most favorite Reba song ever.
Then my second most favorite song was played and I had to tape it because my sister and I used to know EVERY word to this and would drive Deb insane singing it 24/7 just because...even if it wasn't on the radio we would sing literally the entire song (sorry about my singing that you can hear):

Then Barbara Jean from the Reba show came out and was HILARIOUS!!! And out of control and I loved every second of it.

Then Reba came out for an encore with Fancy. And all I can say is Fancy, you did not let us down. Especially Whitney who looked at me at one point, holding her hand in the sign for I love you and said to me "TELL REBA YOU LOVE HER!" turned and held her "i love you" hand up to Reba! HAHAAH

Then another intermission filled with chatting with Pat and our friends beside us. (they won their tickets through the radio station "The Bull" because the husband dressed up like a Bull and the wife lead him around...EMBARRASSING! You should have seen his face when he found out all we did was get lucky to get ours) Then the man, the myth, the legend and total Silver Fox- George Strait. He was awesome and what a babe. But he did all those classics he does and again, we loved every minute of it.

Who would ever check "No" to George Strait....He is a hunk in those Wranglers. (don't know why it's a baby video)
Needless to was awesome and a much needed surprise/break from real life. I can't even tell you have many times whitney said "Lindsay, what is this day?!?!?" Which was exactly how I felt too! Told you something big was about to happen in my life. haha not really. Somehow I don't think this was it but still a good story. Also as a sidenote: though , from what I hear, WVU did not deserve a win last night...THEY GOT ONE! WOOOO!! Still undefeated against Marshall! Marshall had been winning the entire game but thanks to a fumble in the last 35 seconds, a miracle td, a two point conversion, OT, and the fact that God loves the Mountaineers, they pulled out the Win! WOOOHOOO. But that was the end of our good day because Whit got a speeding ticket at 1:30 on our way home but it was a good 12 hours of good times. Oh well, Friday, 9/10/10, I love you forever.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why I love my job...

Oh. Hey blog. In case any of you need a smile today... and because I do not feel like doing anything productive... I thought I would share with you some of my favorite quotes I have heard from my students so far....

1st day of school
Me: Did you have a good summer?
Student: Yes but sissy's ( her aunt that I went to school with) puppy had to get stitches.
Me: Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I hope she is ok.
Student: Yea she's ok, she just started her period and they had to go in and sew everything up.

Because we all know I am a germ- a- phobe and give my kids hand sanitizer before lunch and snack...
Student: Ya know Ms. Norris, this sand hanitizer stinks!

After having laryngitis for about a week and constantly sipping on coffee because my throat hurt, I bent down to work with a student and...
Student: Shew Ms. Norris, did you brush your teeth today??
Me: Yes I am sorry, do I have coffee breath?
Student: Yes and I really think you should stop drinking that coffee. I think you are becoming addicted.

After coming back from labor day weekend and getting my voice back...
Student: Ms. Norris, Ms. Norris, you finally found your voice!!

Me: Oh Student, you sure can make me laugh.
Student: Really? Most people just tell me that I am cute.

Student: But I have to take my medicine before bed. It is the only thing that knocks me up.

Needless to say I love me job =) I will keep you posted on anymore funny quote from my wild 6 year olds!