Hello my lovely ladies,
So as per request from Lindsay and because I'm bored I've decided to updated my favorite girls on my life (although most of you probably already know everything I'm getting ready to say.) I'm offically a Louisville resident and so far it hasn't been a fairy tale by any means. I get lost a lot, I am alone a lot, me and D.C. annoy each other a lot, and I miss my family and friends back home A LOT. I'm hoping once I make some more friends here, and get a job (which seems to be impossible since I've contacted like 10 places and no one will get back to me) it will get better. HOPEFULLY. My classes are just so-so right now, but I do have a funny story about one of them. The other day a girl raised her hand in my Abnormal Psych class....there's about 100 people in there.....the largest class I have.....and she asked what the difference was between having your period and a psychological disorder, because she said all girls were crazy during that time of the month! lol hahahahha Seriously?!?! I must be an advanced student because I immediately knew the answer to that lol
On yet another sad note, (I know I'm Debbie Downer) my grandpa aka my Ghiddy hasn't been doing well at all and the doctor and hospice nurses have told us that it's only going to be a matter of time :( Needless to say I'm not dealing well with this since I've been super close to him all my life. However, the other day I was up at his house and I kept giving him bagel chips and he kept waiting til I wasn't watching then putting them in his cup of water! haha We have to laugh about it or we'll cry....atleast he still makes up smile :) If you all would put him and my grandma in your prayers I'd really appreciate it.
I thought I'd end with a happy bit of information. Chloe (my adorable 4 month old niece) just had her first set of pictures taken and they are beyond adorable!! Sara hasn't got them back yet, but I've seen them online. When I get mine I will post them so you can see her and smile too!
Anyways, I miss all of you VERY VERY much and I very much could use a girls weekend right about now so whenever we all have a free weekend lets all get together because I NEED YOU GIRLS SO BAD! Things were so different when I was in Lexington and had you all around to help me talk through and work through all my problems. You all are wonderful! I hope everything is going well with all of you and I can't wait to see you girls! LOVE YOU!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Fall is in the air!!!
Ohhh can you feel it? Fall is right around the corner which makes me so very excited I could scream!!! But I won't, because that would just be silly. I cannot wait for fall to be here. Especially after this summer. Sweltering heat, sweat stains, and frizzed out "i stuck my finger in a light socket" hair is not my idea of a good time. This summer has been absolutely miserable on the temperature end (and the school end but I won't bother you with details of how I was buried under books about ears all summer instead of under sand) which is why I think I am more excited for fall than ever. I mean I love everything about it.
leaves changing

the smell (this is a stretch on the picture but it's what came up when I googled)
the colors (haha)
the football
and the clothes...especially the clothes!
Fall fashion is by far my favorite. So long swimsuit, bring on the light sweaters, boots/flip flops (best of both worlds because sometimes it's warm/sometimes it's not!), cordorouy, leggings with skirts, jeans, ahh I could go on...! But also the football. Which is weird because I went to like 4 football games the whole time I was at UK. Well 3.5 (Jane Ann-if you'll recall leaving like 5 minutes into a game so we could go to Joe Bologna's haha...so I guess food trumps fall on my list of likes). Anyway, this week it has been cooling down (82 instead of 102) and it got me thinking about the change of the seasons and how I wish it was 55-65 degrees 340 days a year (the others would break down into 20 days for hot weather and 1 day [which would be Christmas or the middle of Hanukkah depending on who is reading this :)] for snow). If this place exists, let me know because I need to go there immediately.
Next, I just have to address my love/obsession fall decorations. Oh my goodness. They make my heart smile, which means we are officially getting old when a scarecrow and bail of hay can make me so excited. in my opinion, it just looks so fun and welcoming and makes a house look 100x better. But it has to be fall-ish....not halloween. Example:


Ewww..creepy. Frankenstein called he wants his decorations back. HATE:

Anyway, in like 20 years when I have a house and a porch and a little family. I am so decorating the crap out of it!! (This is the point in the blog where I realize I am already becoming my mother, so thanks deb for your love of seasonal decorations:)) And how could I have forgotten to mention fall activities?!?! AHH! Pumpkin patches, corn mazes, pumpkin festivals. All so fun! And they all lead to Halloween which means FUN costumes, which then leads to Thanksgiving and all the food and my Birthday which finally leads to Christmas/Hanakkah which leads to the start of a brand new year of possibilities!!! Fall just opens the door to everything I love most about the year!! :)
Ok enough with that. The main reason I am so excited for fall is because I feel like something BIG is about to happen in my life. Don't ask me why, because I honestly don't know. But have you ever gotten that feeling where you feel like God is about to do something great in your life? It's right around the corner and is just going to blow you away?? Maybe it's because my life has been so boring and un-blog worthy lately that I think something HAS to make it interesting soon or maybe God is just cooking up something huge for little ol' me. Either way, I don't know what it is but the philosophical Black Eyed Peas said it best, I got a feeling... and I can't wait to see what it is!!! I'll keep ya updated! :)
So I've ranted about fall enough, and I realize I sound like a 70 year old geriatric but I don't care because if Fall is what it takes to get a little excitement around here, then I'll take it! :) But now I'm going to rant about seeing you. Because listen people, I'm really sick of that picture at the top of this page so let's get together and make a new one (preferrably wearing fall clothes!). Come to Louisville. If anyone didn't know Amanda lives here now so if you come you'll get two for the price of one trip! YAY! And Louisville has lots of fun fall activities (aka apple picking at Hubers winery/pumpkin patches/I'll rake some leaves that you can jump in if it'll get you here) Anyway, miss you all so very very much so blog about your lives so I feel updated!:)
And speaking of Fall:
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