Monday, December 28, 2009

Well that was stupid...

First let me say I loved our trip down memory lane that Amanda took us on. It made me a little sad though...especially because I had to drive myself to my finals. haha kidding (i mean I really did, but you get it...) Also, congrats to Jane Ann and Amanda for being college graduates! So proud of you girls!!

Now to business, so this is a blog all about how people do stupid things. This has nothing to do with my life...I'm just complaining per usual. I mean I've always known people can be a little dumb but these are all the things I've noticed in the past little bit...

1. Why do people feel the need to put the Rudolf nose and antlers on their car? I mean i love Christmas, Hannuka, Kwanza, and whatever else their is as much as the next guy, but to dress up your car...That is just silly. Sometimes it makes me Chris Brown style angry and I want to punch the driver right in the face. It's the same as when people put the Christmas lights all over their car. I hope everyone has gotten to experience this because it is intriguing as to how they got the lights to work and stay in place while going down I-64 at 70 mph. BUT, that doesn't make it ok. We get it that you love Christmas, but seriously, no one thinks your Dodge Caravan is pulling Santa's sleigh.

2. This next one has become near and dear to my heart this holiday season...people pressing the question of if you have a boyfriend, a fiance, or a husband. I've been home for 16 days and probably about 10 people have asked me if I was "seeing someone." That is totally a legit question I know, and it probably wouldn't bother me if my answer was yes...but that's not the case so...I HATE IT! I mean 1. most of the people that's none of their business 2. the other half that ask would already know if I had a boyfriend (aka my sister). BUT, the straw that broke the camels back that really set me off on this was on Christmas Eve. We are at my sister's house for a Christmas Eve breakfast and Blake's dad and step-mom are there. I've only met his dad a handful of times and his step-mom only once at the wedding. So we are standing there talking and she looks at me and says "So are you married?" (this was a different way to ask, most people ask about boyfriends before jumping straight to marrying me off) I obviously reply no, i'm not and then she says "oh, well don't you EVER want to get married?" (Let's say it together ladies....RUDE!!!) I was stunned. I mean my shock factor was reaching it's limits and I literally just stood there like an idiot with my jaw on the floor. My mom stepped in and was like she's still in school, she has time and then the woman, I think, realized how offensive it was to act like I was an old maid that would die alone and she was like 'oh yeh yeh you have time.' But, I think she was just trying to convince herself not to feel sorry for me. My mom said I was overreacting and that it wasn't rude but Brooke heard too and she was on my side 100%. I've gotten to the point that I may just start telling people I am dating a married man and so I can't really go into detail. 23 is not old people. This isn't 1954 when everyone was married at 14 and was done having kids by the time they got to our age. Geeze. And while we are on the subject I'm gonna go ahead and throw in the fact that two people have asked if I was still dating the ex. Uh, not for almost 2 years people...get with the program.

3. My final rant is something stupid I did. It literally just happened and inspired this blog. So about 30 minutes ago I'm on facebook chat (wait, though that's stupid, it's not the whole story) and I see that Kate is on and so I decide to message her. I click her name and send her a message that says "Hey Lady!!" but when it pops up I have not sent this message to Kate, but to a boy on the basketball team with the ex. I immediately said "oops, wrong person don't know how that happened! sorry haha" but what I wanted to say was "OMG I AM A COMPLETE SOCIAL RETARD" I just sent a 21 year old boy that I am not friends with or will ever talk to again a message that said "hey lady!!". I felt dumb enough by just doing that because I figured it would get talked about later on between them but the guy never said anything back to me so then i'm like embarrassed but still going to show my face in public. But then I get an fb chat from the idiot that says "HAHAH! J** just told me what you did!! Hilarious!!! HAHAHA" and i'm all like 'yeh haha oops' then he tells me that the guy immediately called him and was laughing so hard that he couldn't even understand him. Well douche bags, glad I could give you all a good laugh. You laugh at me and I'll laugh at your seasons bball record. So anyway, I can laugh about it now but of all the people that could be right above Kate and that I could have a slip of the mouse on it had to be one of those guys. cool. I felt pretty stupid.

4. I also think it's stupid that Gina is gone for 17 in Australia and she didn't take us with her. haha kidding...but I mean that does suck. lol

Anyway, those are some stupid things I wanted to get off my chest. Jane Ann, Brit, and Amanda I hope you had a great Christmas. Gina I hope you had a wonderful Hannuka and a fabulous time on your trip! love you all and miss you sooooo very very much. Now i'll leave you with this and hope you finding as perplexing as I did they do this....

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

So Long Undergrad....

Hello my lovely ladies, as many of you know I offically became a UK alum recently and as I was leaving campus for the last time, a few things ran through my mind that I want to share with you all.

Up until last Thursday morning (on the drive to my last final) nothing had really hit me yet--but around 10:00 a.m. Thursday morning it all hit me at once. As I was driving past the Johnson Center I thought about all the flag football games, afternoon workouts, and evening walks taken with you all. As I drove past the dorms my mind went back to the day I moved in to Blanding Tower and met Linds. I was so nervous, but you made the transition from home to college so easy for me and quickly became one of my best friends. This utlimately led to my joining of Alpha Gamma Delta which is where I grew so close to all of you guys :)

As I sat at the stoplight near Virgina Ave. I thought of all the trips we had made together on that road. From Whitney and Lindsay and me dropping each other off for a final when we lived at the Commons, to me driving to the Page (crying my eyes out over a stupid boy) just to hear Jane Ann promise that it would all be alright, to late night DQ runs--all those times felt like they had just happened.

I know without a doubt that my 4 years at UK with you all (4 and 1/2 for Yane) are and will forever be 4 of the best years of my life. I came to UK hoping for a degree (and a national championship lol), but got so much more than that. Words can never fully explain just how much each of you have changed my life.

We have helped each other say goodbye to ex's and watched each other walk down the aisle after finally finding the right one. We've grieved with each other over deceased pets and played with each others new puppies like they were our own. We have helped each other study and ofcourse been more than happy to give each other a study break. We have watched Meredith and McDreamy break up and make up and had hour long conversations about them as if they were our real life BFF's. We've driven each other in snow storms, when one of us was too afraid to drive (Thanks again Gina for saving my life that night!), We have had countless dance parties, movie nights, politcal debates, and "family dinners." We have partied and prayed together, laughed and loved, cried and cheered. "For whatever was there to assail you, was there to assail me too."

You girls have been my strength when I was weak, wiped my tears when I couldn't dry my eyes myself, talked sense into me when I was being senseless, and inspired me to never give up. Anyways, these are the thoughts that were running through my mind on my last drive to UK and I just wanted you girls to know how much you are all loved! Hope all is well with each of you! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Loveeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuu :)