Friday, September 25, 2009

My Adventures as a Minority

Hello my looooooooooooves! So I have been wanting to blog for a while, but what can I say, my life is pretty boring now and I didn't really have anything to tell you all about or any good stories....enter the Faulker family. lol

So last weekend I made the drive to Louisville were I was informed by my wonderful boyfriend that we were going to be having a cookout with some of his family. Obviously I was very nervous for obvious reasons. #1. I'm white. #2. They're not. #3 Meeting the family is always nerveracking. But anways, since the very first time he came to Ashland he had to meet my Dad's sister and her whole family, including lisa's boys and then my family along with jenn's boyfriend and sara's husband--I agreed to this cookout. OH BOY.

I had already met his mom a few times because I had been to stay with him in Louisville a few times before this and she is like outta control, but really nice and we get along great so I wasn't nervous about her. But before the cookout, she wanted me and DC to run some errands with her so we agreed. Next thing I know we are driving down the streets of Louisiville and Tammy (DC's mom) decides to put in a new cd to ask if Dequante likes it. Every other word was the N word and Tammy was bumpin it down the road. I, by the way, was in the front seat with her. The little white girl, with my hands in my lap, not knowing what to do, but be as awkward as possible was just sitting there starin out the window watching all the other black people bumpin in their cars beside us. I was BY FAR THE MINORITY. Finally she looked at me and said--"I don't like it either" and turned it off. Then me, her, and DC started cracking up.

Anyways, later that night once the family comes over....we are all sitting in the living room talking and the new Whitney Huston cd had came out that day and Tammy really wanted it so DC got it for her while we were at Walmart and she had it playing. Well, one song goes off and the conversation for the moment kinda dies so the room is completely quiet and at this exact moment my mother decides to call me--for those of you who don't know my family rington is "Where I'm From" by Jason Michael Carroll. That's right, the song about Ford trucks and green tractors and it is playing extremly loud from my pocket. At first everyone just kind of looks at eachother and then his aunt looks at me and goes "Hmm, that's a different kinda music there, huh?" hahahahahaha I was mortified. It was really funny though! Anywayyyyyyyyyys, that is pretty much the high points of my weekend as a minority. The next day I got to see Linds and UK beat UL! YAYYY! And then DC took me to Cheesecake Factory :)

Last little thing I have to say is that Lindsay's last blog about missing you all....I feel the exact same way!! Lexington is NOT the same without us all there! I've always loved UK, but I've never liked it less, everything is just different without us all together and I'm glad that we are all going out and reaching our goals, but I just think we need to have another reunion soon because I am definately the happiest when I am with all of you! :) I hope all of you girls are doing good! I miss you all and love you all soooooo much :)

p.s. I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

She's Just Bein' Miley...

Well, here I am again, and due to lack of time, I'm going to cut right to the chase.
Miley Cyrus is a lyrical genius.
Yeh, I said it. Yes, she's twelve...yes, she has horse teeth...and yes, she is wise beyond her years. Think about it...Yes, Miley there IS always going to be another mountain and I am going to want to make it move! I know you are probably thinking "get serious!" but I am! I am going to tell you how I came to this realization and I bet you will agree when I am done...

(Note: I've wanted to write this for a long time but never had time so that's why it's about a week or so late. I still have one kajillion things to do but I have a test and that always leads to new random thoughts...YAY ANATOMY!)

The first time I realized Miley was the was when I was feeling a little out of place and weird with the people at school. We had gone to dinner the night before and it was fun but not like when we all went to dinner. Then that night we were going out. Nothing big, just some hole in the wall place but I just felt weird about it. Anyway, I'm getting ready and listening to a CD Tori sent me and Miley starts jammin' with Party in the USA . It was just what I needed...if you haven't heard the song you must be deaf because it plays constantly but just in case....

Yes! Miley knew exactly how I felt. Not that I thought everyone was famous, obviously. (Except there is one guy we will probably see on COPS one day with a DUI and an order for AA.) But it just made me feel so much better. So my dance party concluded with me "put my hands up" and "moving my hips like yeah" and going on with my getting ready. Everything was going to be okay! And it was...the night was fun and we all started to actually get to know each other instead of the awkward so where are you from?/recruitment style convos. YAY MILEY!

Now for Miley's second intervention into my life via Hannah Montana...

So I went home for the first time last weekend for Labor Day. This was the first time I've ever driven straight from WV to Louisville or vice versa. I figured it was only another hour past Lexington so it couldn't be too bad...WRONG. But it wasn't because it was soooo far (which it was) but it was because I had to drive past all those Lexington exits. Seriously, there has got to be at least 7. You all, I got so to the point of almost tears sad. I wanted to be going there because that is what I did for 4 fabulous years and it just worked. Why would I ever leave there? Don't fix what ain't broke, right? Don't get me wrong I love Louisville so much, but it isn't the same. The places aren't the same and the friends DEFINITELY aren't the same. You all just aren't there. :( So anyway, I have a little pity party for one and continue on to WV. But the whole drive I am just thinking about how 1. it sucks to have to drive past the point where you used to start driving because it makes it seem 39349382492384 miles longer and 2. how I wished you all would pack your lives up and move in with me. Slumber party 24/7? yes please! Ok, so as I am being way dramatic and 'Wow is me' my girl Miley comes on the CD (same one as before, Tori loves the girl) So it was the song Always Find Your Way Back Home. For those non-miley fans here it is again.....

So, one you bring yourself to look past the weird suit wardrobe and awkwardly fast costume change into a my little pony cowgirl get-up...the words are so good! It doesn't matter where we go to school (UK, UL, whatev)...or where we live (Colorado, KY, WV...) We can always go back to Lexington (yes, I know it's not home but just hear me out) and be together and love each other and be biffles for life. I think we are all just at a point in our life where we need to have a place where we can just go and be ourselves and let loose and for me that's when I'm with you all. Gay sounding, maybe? but so true!

Ok, so I could go on about a thousand other Kanye dissing my girl Taylor for all the world to see (DOUCHE) but I'll stop because now I've written a Miley Cyrus novel and instead should have been learning the job of every muscle in your face and neck. Anywho, I just want to say I LOVE YOU ALL and MISS YOU EVEN MORE!!!! So now write on this silly thing because I it's a good study distraction. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Good Ol' West

Hey there! So before I dive into updating you all on my adventures in Bozeman, MT, I will update you on my life in Chicago. Yes I got a new car for those of you who didn't know, and it's awesome! It's a Toyota Highlander and it will be perfect for wintery weather in Denver. I have only gotten to drive it one day because the day after I got it I left for Montana, so I am pretty excited to cruise around town in it when I get home.
Ok so now onto my adventures in Bozeman. I got here last Friday night late and have been a busy adventure bee since then. On Saturday we drove like 3 hours or so northwest and camped out. It was quite the adventure because we got to the National Forest when it was already dark so we were using our sweet headlamps to find a place to camp and it ended up being like right next to the road, but we survived. We woke up on Sunday morning and drove like another hour and a half to Idaho (yah that's right and the license plates in Idaho say something like "Beautiful scenery, Fabulous potatoes", but sadly I didn't get to eat any). Anyways we did this really cool trail called Rails-to-trails and it is an old railroad route that was turned into a bike trail. So the first two miles of the trail are through a tunnel. It was probably the hardest I have ever had to focus while riding a bike. You have to wear a headlamp because there are no lights in the tunnel and to make things worse on each side there are these 10 foot water basins and there are no rails between you and the basins. I was freaking out to say the least and how I didn't fall into the basin is news to me. It was totally awesome though and definitely a worth it!
Then we drove back to Bozeman and I have just been hanging here this week because my cousin and her boyfriend started class Monday. So I have been going to class with them and stuff, which has been both interesting and boring depending on the teacher. It's really cool though because they live so close to the mountains that we have been able to go hiking and whitewater rafting before class, which is totally awesome!
Ok so for the awkward story because there is always one right? So they live about 10 minutes from campus by bike so they always bike there. Well they are pretty sporty and in shape and stuff and well as much as I'd like to think I am, well once you hit elevation you're not. So they bike super fast and I am huffing and puffing and trying to keep up. Once you get to campus there is the trouble of trying not to hit pedestrians, which well it's hard to dodge them. So I am riding and trying to keep up and all of a sudden I lose my shoe, my bag gets stuck on the wheel, and down I go off the side walk into the grass. And if that wasn't enough, I couldn't get the bag unhooked off the wheel, so a smooth get away was out of the question. Then since my cousin and her bf were riding so fast I lost them and was running, yes running with my bike trying to find them. It was mortifying, but I kept telling myself "Thank God I don't go to this school!"
This weekend we are going backpacking in Yellowstone and we will be gone until Monday night, then I leave Tuesday morning for Denver! I will be in Denver Tuesday through Saturday hopefully finding a place to live and a source of income and if all goes well I will be moving October 1st. Pretty crazy! Well, I miss you all terribly and hope all is well in KY! Can't wait to hear about your lives!
PS-Lindsay I showed my cousin the blog and she read the story about the lip gloss and about peed herself! Ha ha so funny!